Shenron/Omni Amor Veritas

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Omni Amor Veritas

Omni Amor Veritas.png

Omni Amor Veritas is a new religion based in Dwilight. It is a suspicious religion, as regarded by outsiders, as many of the rituals require the spilling of blood. It's practices fall around the belief that there is an all powerful "omni" who watches the world. He requires a powerful vessel of whom he can pass orders through, this man or woman would be called the Seer. Anybody who swears allegiance to the seer must amputate a finger and allow their blood to flow into a special bowl which contains all blood of the elders. If the person survives the ordeal they are permitted as an elder. This idea has caused outrage in some communities, but despite this, Omni Amor has proven to have some quite romantic and humanistic values.

Core Values & Beliefs

An artists depiction of the Omni. The demonic face with human hands represent the enigmatic nature of the Omni, and how far humans are from truly fathoming his existence.

The texts by which the religion functions are in the The Holy Scrolls. This document contains a set of stories by which clear messages are gleaned, the most important of which depict the beginning of the world by the creation of the Omni. Many members of the church percieve the documents in different ways, but there is a strong general consensus on the main meanings, especially regarding the creation of the world.

To it's core, Omni Amor Veritas is a monotheistic religion and as such, views any religion thats supports a pantheon as misguided, however the followers of the Omni believe that there are 'demigods', but these are better described as angels send by the almighty, rather than a set of omnipotent characters. Having some of it's roots in the teachings of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia, there is a strong belief that a supernatural force has a heavy hand in the events of mundane life, but the 'Aenil' that are asserted by the Church of the Magana Aenilia Ecclesia are not gods. The Aenil are simply angels sent by the 'Omni'. Any prayer to a specifc 'angel' is seen as blasphemous and disrespectful to the almighty 'omni'. Often blood will be spilled in this vain.

The followers of the Omni have a somewhat different moral compass that is generally accepted. Life is generally viewed as unimportant, unless it serves a purpose. This is linked to the belief that the Omni has a plan for the world, and humans are mere servants. Despite this, there is great love among the followers who practice heartily. Often the congregation will share lovers and sex is taken at face value, rather than made sacred. The heirachy of the church and realm is extremely important. Privilege is seen to be given by the almighty, and such, to challenge power is to challenge the Omni.

The Blood Bowl is an item of much intrigue to the followers of the Omni. Each Elder, in order to become and Elder, must amputate both pinky fingers and allow the blood to drain into the bowl. Once a year, on the church's holiday "Veritasias", the Prophet drinks from the blood bowl to show his committment to the Omni and the followers who serve him. Foreigners often find this disgusting, but members of the church see the act as beautiful and as the Prophet integrating the blood of the followers into himself.

The Elders

Prophet.png Prophet:

Shin Shenron

The Prophet commands the entire forces of the religion and is believed the be the living voice of the Omni. The Prophet decides who sits at his council and is the keeper of Blood Bowl, from which he will drink once a year. The Prophet has the power to bannish anyone he pleases from the religion, he will also settle disputes about readings of the The Holy Scrolls that become to controversial to remain unruled upon. The Prophet also holds private sermons with important nobles regarding the faith. His word is the word of the Omni.
High Priest.png High Priest:


The High Priest is second only to the Prophet. He will guide the direction of the priests and oversee their locations and duties. Sometimes the High priest will give sermons to some members of the nobility instead of the prophet. Once a year, when the Prophet drinks from the Blood Bowl, the High Priest is the conducter of the mass prayer and will guide the rest to follow his hand movements. The High Priest is to surrender both his pinky fingers and let his blood into the blood bowl upon intitiation, as do all the elders.
Evocator.png Evocator:


The Evocator is the military man of the council. Chosen for his military prowess, the Evocator will make sure all military forces provided by realms are effectively utilized. In reality, his main role is never utilized and his role is more symbolic than fundamental. Often the Evocator will appear at tournaments and reprent Omni Amor Veritas, as well as on the field of whatever realm he may be serving at the time. The Evocator is to surrender both his pinky fingers and let his blood into the blood bowl upon intitiation, as do all the elders.
Curate.png Curate:


The Curate manages the church's financial situation in terms of the distribution and allotment of capital. He will also oversee temple sizes and organize the necessary transfer of funds in order to meet certain goals. The curate is often chosen as a duke for his wealth, but this would not be admitted if the church was asked directly. The Curate is to surrender both his pinky fingers and let his blood into the blood bowl upon intitiation, as do all the elders.