Deytheur Family

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The Deytheur Family's claim to nobility is through Nesta Deytheur, the current matriarch of the family. Whilst unusual for a woman to inherit, on the death of Nesta's childless brother, her husband Merfyn made a claim to the family name and estates. However, outlying members of the family were unhappy with these circumstances and so Merfyn and Nesta gathered their fortune and left their dynasty in search of a new realm.

They made their way to the newly colonised islands of Dwilight but there they encountered a ferocious storm. The ship was ravaged by the wind and the rain but they never found themselves in complete darkness. In the sky above were three red stars, all standing out from the other consellations. By these stars they managed to navigate the storm with no lives lost, though the ship was damaged.

Arriving in the nearest port they learned of Sanguis Astroism, a relgion that worshipped the three red stars, which were called the Bloodstars. Furthermore the place they had landed was Mimer, the capital of Corsanctum, the Sacred Heart of Sanguis Astroism. Feeling protected by the Stars they decided to end their travels and set up home there.

They have worked hard in Mimer to gain a name for themselves and have been admitted to court but the fame of the family is nothing to what it was in their homeland and they and their children, Alana, Siana and Elisedd are constantly striving to restore it.


Siana is Nesta and Merfyn's first born, though barely a year older than Elisedd and growing up they always shared a strong bond. When Elisedd decided to leave their homeland she decided to go with him, as much for his company and to keep an eye on him as for her own want of leaving. Having grown up in a theocracy she felt the need for religion, though she believes the worship of inanimate stars somewhat foolish. She therefore sought another theocracy and found Ibladesh and its Church. She currently resides in Noritor, devoted to the service of Lord Theuderik.

Siana is truly honourable and has a strong sense of duty, almost to the point of reticence but thanks to the influence of her siblings has learned to speak out when things matter. She shares the Deytheur trait of fighting for any cause she deems just with true passion.


Elisedd is somewhat of a lone figure and never felt at home in Mimer, somewhat contemptuous of his parents flight, he was determined to leave and use his strength of will to spread his families fame. He and Siana left together, with their father's blessing to gain fame and fortune elsewhere. Siana first found Ibladesh but Elisedd wanted a country not ruled by religion and so he traveled on. He heard from his sister that the realm of Sirion was embroiled in many wars and many huge battles happened there and so that is where he settled.

When he learned of the Elvish inhabitants he was fascinated, especially given his resemblance. He himself looks rather Elvish, he is tall and slim with piercing green eyes, suggesting maybe somewhere in the past of his family there were elvish relations. He thus feels at home in Sirion and is happy to stay and fight for her. When it comes to war he is detached and logical and takes grim satisfaction in every victory. He is a lot warmer to those he feels closer to, or has very great respect for and in front of these people may very occassionally show his youthful enthusiasm.


Alana is the youngest of the Deytheur family to leave her parents' house. With the loss of her older brother and sister she was desperate to try and forge her own career. However, unlike her brother and sister, she has always readily accepted the influence of the Bloodstars and has already felt moments of harmony. Knowing also the threat of monsters to her homeland and it's desperate need of Knights to fight them, coupled with her desire to become closer to the Bloodstars she decided to stay in Corsanctum and set up her own home on the coast of Moses' End.

Though a little naive and inexperienced, her eagerness and the way she always speaks her mind lead to her appointment to the Council and then to the Marshalcy of The Corsanctum's Shield. She is somewhat in awe of the Regent, who has given her alot of support and from whom she has learnt alot. She is rather tempestuous and fiery, as her red hair may hint at.