The Estahsism Echo

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Estahsism.JPG The Estahsism Echo Estahsism.JPG
Cost: Free Editor: Nikkitanilas Felhand (User:X-anne-x) October 2010

This newspaper is a free, informative newspaper giving up to date news on a monthly basis about the faith of Estahsism as well as the goings on in and around the realm of Bara'Khur. This paper is edited my the High Priest of Estahs, Nikkitanilas Felhand.

The unguided souls of the lost lie in the darkness of their religious slumber. Cold and alone they call out. Call out to the Gods. The Gods of Estahs. They seek the light and the comfort and the guidance, for the Gods are many. It is believed there is a God to represent all aspects of existence. They split themselves into five factions to represent the five main aspects of existence: Lore, Humanity, Nature, Creativity and Darkness. The Gods of Estahs are called such for the Gods dwell in the city that is Estahs. Where the city is, no one knows for it is the dwelling of the Gods and no mortal shall go there, only our immortal souls travel their upon the ending of our lives, where we travel to the Blazimir Forests, resting place of the dead, to find the souls of our passed loved ones.


This Month's Paper

Current Influence
Region Followers Temples
Wudenkin 17% Small Temple
Pel Mark 99% Small Temple
Ippetimbal 89% Primitive Temple
Zisswii 99% Primitive Temple
Gaxano 98% Small Shack
Ren Madragas 87% Small Shack
Iknopata 99%
Verdomite 53%
Twillen 63%
Naraka 46%
Bajit 47%
Ircymbar 39%
Xerus 18%
Haffemet 13%
Vale 11%
Joppo 8%
Sheja 6%
Reeds 5%
Jop Maleth 2%
Dyomoque 2%
Tor 1%
Total followers (est): 8915
Estahsism influence2.JPG
Full Size Map
Three mysterious creatures of light appear in Pel Mark Monday 4th October
A report of mystical sightings was reported in the region of Pel Mark in the past few days. An account of the event has been given by a witness:

The wind blows among the peaks of Pel Mark. High up on the tallest of them, a twinkling light appears, growing slowly brighter. The light issues from a small cave. Soon, the light is occluded by three robed figures standing in the mouth of the cave, who seem almost to shine themselves.

As they turn to descend the mountain, the light from the cave dwindles, then dies completely. It is some time before the figures reach the pass through the mountains below the peak.

When they do, they turn to each other. The tallest one, whose once-white robe is slightly gray and threadbare, places his hands on the heads of the other two, clearly pronouncing some sort of benediction. The shortest, who is also somewhat plump, and whose white robe has a few stains on it, kisses each of the other two on the cheeks. The middle one, whose robe shines the pure white of new snow, hugs the other two heartily.

Then they turn and walk off in three different directions.

After this, the High Priestess Nikkitanilas took to contacting one of them, known as Marta. She explained she is 'one of the three who have come to be the light against the darkness' and 'humanities hope'. It is believed they have come to aid against the three factions of darkness spreading across the continuant.

Recent reports state that Marta has now traveled to the city of Dyomoque, the purpose for the visit is unknown.

Since this contact, the High Priestess has had contact with one of the other two. Last night a letter was left in the Small Temple of Estahsism in Wudenkins by the being of light known as Gerontius. The letter read 'I come to grant the Blessing of Light on a temple that is found worthy. In order to know who is worthy, I seek to learn of the faiths of this land, and request an audience with one who can tell me of the tenets of Estahsism.'

The High Priestess replied to this letter, offering a meeting in the temple, though has had no reply as of yet. The location and identity of the third being of light is still unknown, and so the quest for knowledge continues

Editor: Nikkitanilas