Sanctus Acies/Members

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Hall of Heroes

Sanctus Acies

Ad honorem, Ad mortis

In Honour, In death


The following are the members of Sanctus Acies

Council of Sanctus Acies

  • Revelation Con Doin (Prophet of Sanctus Acies)
  • Louis de La Fere
  • Kamekaze Lumberjack, Duke of Partora


Prophet and Founder - Revelation Don Coin


  • Banero Rondolo (Knight of Meuse)
  • Belisarius Ginaz (Knight of Partora)
  • Cartor Curs, Arch Priest of Caligus
  • doombringer deathkiller, King of Caligus
  • Grivak Stryfe (Priest of Sanctus Acies)
  • Gwynyth Kazan, Royal Treasurer of Caligus
  • Ilphramouth Goddess, Count of Mulhouse, Marshal of the Summa cum Laude
  • Jessica Streamline (High Priestess of Sanctus Acies)
  • Kamekaze Lumberjack, Duke of Partora
  • Neomus Kartak (Knight of Partora)
  • Reona Stryfe, High Marshal of Caligus
  • Revelation Con Doin (Priest of Sanctus Acies)
  • Storm deathkiller (Knight of Mulhouse)
  • Towmbir Hvassi (Knight of Partora)
  • WAYLANDER Con Doin (Knight of Partora)
  • Sir Yuri Malitia (Knight of Partora)
  • Zoe Agenor (Dame of Partora)

Light of Fountain

Due to the demise of this realm the infomation here is no longer relevent.

High follower of Sanctus Acies - Louis de La Fere

Long time follower of Sanctus Acies - Vlad Nosferatus



  • Balkeese Indirik, Arch Priestess of Perdan
  • Oran Kalamr, Count of Meuse
  • Zeldi Greenleaf, Countess of Woolton



  • Mungo Hossenfeffer, Duke of Oligarch
  • Kerwyn Steele, Banker of Westmoor