Silver Girdle of Beauty

From BattleMaster Wiki

Rivor Crewe swings his sword, hitting his opponent's ribcage. These where no ordinary undead. Usually, they'd crumble the second the sword hits, but this one had lost his left arm, five of his ribs, and he was still attacking. Worse yet, Rivor was getting tired, but there was still 4 more!

Meanwhile, 4 years earlier: Lorianne young was staring at her own ring. Her newly wedded husband had instructed her to make dinner while he was gone, but she could not help being captivated by her own ring. She did not know where or how her husband, who's job was only a petty courier, had obtained it. The rumor around town was that an angel had brought it to them so the beautiful Lorianne would have an equally beautiful ring to match.

Rivor has finally taken down two of the walking pile of bones people called undead. There was still 3 more, but he was somehow able to lure them around the terrain so he could take them on one at the time. Well, that would be true, if not for the fact that what looked to be the biggest and toughest of them all, was just standing there, staring at him.

6 years earlier: The blacksmith had never done a job as small as making a ring before. He was not comfortable with this job, seeing as if he failed to create the most beautiful ring ever created, the queen would have him executed. After already failing twice, he was ready to give up and flee the realm. He had only traveled for a few hours, when he saw an old man walking by himself in the middle of the woods. The old man was wearing a blue coat of some sort, and was carrying a staff as tall as the man himself. Something felt off about this old man, but the blacksmith felt the urge to stop nevertheless.

Rivor had managed to kill two more of the undead. He stabs the ground with his sword, and leans on it to catch his breath. He had finally killed 4 of them, but the last one had disappeared from his sight. Undead where not known for running, and Rivor knew something was wrong. At that same moment, he catched a glimpse of a shadow moving in the corner of his eye. He instinctively jumps forward, feeling the swing of an axe cutting off the air where his head had just been. This one was fast! Rivor rolls around and quickly gets back up on his feet. This insanely large undead was still standing there, giving Rivor time to look at him. His axe was as tall as the undead himself, and he could swing it faster than most people would be able to swing their swords. He understood that this was no ordinary undead, this was a champion! And next to this champion was Rivor's sword, still stuck in the ground..

5 years earlier: The blacksmith hears someone knocking on the door and makes his way over to it. He had spent an entire year on this one ring. With the material the old man had given him, the ring did indeed turn out to be the most beautiful ring ever made. The old man had given the weird material to him for free, saying that it would surely bring disaster to whoever uses it. The blacksmith felt he had no choice, it was disaster or his life. Besides, he never truly believed in fairy tales. It had been a week since he sent the ring with the courier, and it should surely have arrived at the palace by now. As he opens the door, two of the queens personal guards was standing outside. They immediately attack the poor blacksmith and arrests him; the ring had never arrived.

The undead champion was quick, too quick! Rivor had somehow been able to dodge every attack, but only by the hair. He knew it would be useless to try to run, this was now a fight for survival rather than glory. The champion misses another swing, but this time follows it up with a kick that sends Rivor flying. Luckily for Rivor, he was known for being able to quickly adapt to a situation, and realizes that this is chance. His feet had not yet even touched the ground before he started running. There was only 10 yards between him and his sword, but the champion was too quick! Rivor is running as quickly as his feet can possibly manage, but the boneman was gaining. only five more yards! The champion raises his axe, hungry for blood, ready to swing it down to certain doom. Another two yards! Rivor jumps forward, reaching out for his sword midair.

2 years earlier: Lorianne hugs her children, while something ravages her house upstairs. Her husband had been slained on the doorsteps by these creatures, while she had somehow managed to hide in the basement, under the secret trapdoor. She had heard the rumors, and the tales told by the heroes, but wouldn't have dreamed this would happen to her. Suddenly they could hear the sound, and smell, of something burning..they had set fire to her house! She quickly climbed the ladder leading up to the trap door and opens it. One of the last thing her children sees is their mother's headless body falling back down, followed by a large man made of only bones, with an axe as tall as himself..

Rivor did not have the strength to lift his sword anymore, and his feet could barely hold him up. In front of him was a pile of bones, of what was once an undead champion. The large axe had been ruined by Rivors vigorous attacks, and was now worthless. He had gained nothing today's battle, except for a story to be told for centuries ahead, and the lands where now safe least for a while. Dragging the sword behind him, Rivor starts heading home. He turns around one last time to eye the pile of bones, when he catches a glimpse of something shining..