Saxon Stormlands

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The Saxon Stormlands, is a term coined for peninsula where the Anglo Saxon Bretwalda's once resided, thoguh it has been expanded to include other lands once under the of Anglo Saxon's and the Grand Bretwalda. Queen Haruka having claimed heritage and ancestry directly linked to the Bretwalda's and in her desire to recreate the lands of the Anglo Saxon's has brought this term back into use. It is believed she plans a Great Anglo Saxon revivalism of culture and alnd.

(Got a lot of work, plus RP's to do here. General premise is these lands where all under the rule of varying Saxon Kingdoms under one great Bretwalda, until they fell apart into war and civil strife and eventually collapsed into rogue regions, then after an undetermined period of time the Colonial era of Dwilight came. With the new Thulsoma being an Anglo Saxon realm, the only Saxon realm left under the rule of a Saxon Queen.)


Saxon Heptarchy


  • In Sud Saexe lay the Southern Kingdom of the Saxons.
  • East Saexna was divided, with the plainlands going to the Southern Saxon's and the Mountain and Stronghold going to the Stormland Saxon kingdom.
  • The entire Stormland peninsula was controlled by Neurxnawang (The kingdom of the Bretwalda)
  • The Saexney Island was a seperate Island Kingdom and important passway.
  • West Saexna was split between two different realms, one in the North, One in the South, names pending for both.

The Bretwalda

Bretwalda, also brytenwalda and bretenanwealda, is an Anglo-Saxon word, it is first recorded in the Saxon Chronicle in reference to a King who had achieved overlordship of some or all of the other Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. It is a matter of historical record that the Saxon Kingdoms where at one point controlled under one Grand Bretwalda, who had his seat of power in the Neurxnawang, a city based in the centre of the Stormland forests (and also the name sued to describe his Kingdom), it is unclear how much autonomy the other kings had and control over their Kingdoms.

Anglo Saxon Lands

  • Saxon Stormlands: Directly means the Saxon peninsula, covering Saexbury and several other important Anglo Saxon cities and settlements.
  • Saexney: Better known today as the Valkryja Island (New name of Valkyrja shall be made)
  • Saexbury: The Stormy lands where the Storms Keep settlement is.
  • East Saexna: The lands encompassing Mount Black Nastrond, Nifehold (New name will be made) and the grassy plains just below them to the townsland of (Insert new name here)
  • Sud Saexe: The Wyndham Peninsula (Modern day Muspelheim) it stretches from the barrow fields of the coast, to the plains just East of the city Wyndham. It is recorded in the Anglo Saxon Chronicle that a great bridge once connected Barrow Fields to the Stormlands, with statues carved on either side of the cliffs. The ultimate fate of the bridge was believed to be that it was destroyed after the fall of the Sud Saexe Kingdom, so as to protect the Stormlands.
  • West Saexe: The westernmost reaches of the old Saxon Kingdoms, mainly a series of plains wedged between the mountains of the west, the ocean of the north and the coastlines of the South. It has one major townsland (New name pending) and a major city (New name pending)

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle

The Anglo Saxon Chronicle is a series of Annal's describing the history of the Anglo Saxon's, from the beginning of their reign to their ultimate downfall. The original copy is kept in the possession of Lady Haruka, it is believed the Chronicle originally resided in the great libraries of Neurxnawang, but was later saved.