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“Suddenly your entire perspective changes, suddenly, you are a mystic.”

Attributed to the Rogue Mystic when asked by the Black Army why he wrote the Forbidden Journal.

Mysticism is an absolute religion which collects all religions into one tradition. It is a religious concept that says all gods belong to a greater order of the universe and are placed into the Hierarchy of the Gods. Mystics believe that gods follow a class system very different from our own. Fundamental to Mysticism is the belief in the Soul. Mystics worship through prayer and temple building, as well as the ways each religion deem necessary to worship their particular god.

Mysticism was first revealed to Dwilight by the Demon Prince when he received the truth from the God of Discovery, Bamaluu, who is the castle Balance's Retreat, during the Summer of 8 YD. Lord Bowie recorded his experiences in the Forbidden Journal which was written while resting in Balance’s Retreat. His writing has become the first source for the religion, and his unit the Black Army became the first converts. He has since been recognized by other mystics as the Rogue Mystic because he received the revelations while traveling as a rogue.

All who seek to understand Mysticism must read its sourcebook, the Forbidden Journal. They should especially read its appendix. The revelation given to the Rogue Mystic is recorded there.

Mysticism is not a founded religion like the ones already established. Note: the Rogue Mystic is not the founder of Mysticism. He is merely the first to speak about it. Mysticism has no founder, literally. It is not a founded religion. For mystics, all religions inherently contain mystical beliefs and practices. The worship and construction of temples a faithful does for their religion is essentially mysticism more than anything. Mysticism does not need its own temples, priests or dogmas because all other religions serve as its engine of truth. A faithful can be devoted to their religion and be a mystic at the same time. There is no contradiction or conflict. What might become conflict for mystics and non-mystics is the registry.

The registry is where all of the worshiped gods are ranked and classified. The god(s) are ranked depending on the strength of the god(s) (the type of god, how many worshipers and the reach of the religion). This may be a sensitive issue for non-mystics or even for fanatical mystics. It is required for mystics to acknowledge and apply the registry.

Sacred Writings

Scholarly Supplements