Olivaw Family/Daneel

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Too Young

Daneel is a young man who carried the high hopes of his family. He was the firstborn of his family and knew his responsibilities. He sought after glory and fame for his family, and rarely considered his own happiness. He loved his brother, Giskard, and his sister, Gloria. He always remembered them and wrote back his experiences in letters to them, hoping that they would benefit from them and not make the same mistakes as he did. He is extremely intelligent and an utmost opportunist, as such he is always on the lookout for something better. He is an eloquent man, though sometimes too cunning for his own good.

Early Life

Life In Tara

Narration is done in omnipotent third person.

Beginning Steps

Soon after Daneel joined the realm of Tara, he began to make friends and look for a job. After some searching, Daneel sought for and was accepted for a position under Duke Jose of Aja. Packing his belongings and saying goodbye to his small village in his home region, Daneel ventured to Aja with his soldiers.

Upon arrival in Aja, he met the servants assigned to care for his new estate, and found them to be capable. He used part of the gold his family bestowed on him before he left along with some gold his Duke gifted him to order construction to begin on his estate. It soon became a large estate set on benefiting the production of Aja. The people of Aja were grateful for Daneel and his servants' help benefiting the region as a whole, so they recognized him as a Knight with a claim on their region. Not many Knights under the Duke enjoy this privilege, and Daneel felt that it was his first accomplishment outside of home.

He was soon assigned into the Army of Tara to assist in driving away the realm of Minas Ithil. He gladly informed his troops of this news and they rejoiced along with him for their new assignment. Though in the midst of rejoicing, there was a moment of silence as they remembered the perils of battle, and their friends whom they may never see again back in Byblack. The following morning, they all packed their belongings and began the journey to the front lines, the rogue province of Chuca.

The First Battle

It was not long before Daneel arrived in the bleak region of Chuca, the people there looked at him and his men with distaste and hatred. He shuddered when he met the eyes of a child in the village. Their hatred influenced Daneel greatly, he vowed to do everything in his power to cure this region and the world. He made this solemn vow silently and forced himself to look ahead to the greater reward. It was not long before his courier delivered some recent news in a neighbouring region, Cori, he read. They were besieged by monsters and the people were afraid. Remembering his vow, he quickly wrote back, promising his support and charged toward Cori at full speed, not knowing what lies ahead.

Daneel and his men were stationed behind the walls of Cori. The monsters charged at the gates while the archers in front fired at them. Only a few monsters fell to the arrows, as only skilled archers were able to pierce their hardened skin. The archers moved back, it's time for the infantry to move forward. Daneel signaled to his men and they began charging towards the outskirts of the castle walls. The monsters were outnumbered 10 to 1, and it was a bloody battle. Since there were so many soldiers involved, Daneel's men were only able to barely scratch one before all the monsters were slain. Though not much experience was gained, Daneel felt a stronger tie to his men after his first real battle, and they celebrated at a local pub.

While returning to Aja to refit and repair the weapons of his men, Daneel passed a village near Cori and were invited by the villagers to a ceremony of appreciation. He realized that the monsters would have swarmed these villages near Cori after its walls were torn down, and the villagers recognized him as one of the knights fighting off the monsters. He remembered his vow, and solemnly thanked the villagers for their kindness. He could no longer go back to his home as a nameless noble, he must conquer these evils, and in doing so attain glory and fame! Or that was what he thought during his trek back to the city of Aja.

Unknown Meeting