Book:War Between the gods

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During the Golden age of the Humans an Evil manifested itself in one of the minor Gods, a creation of The Holy Farther. This God saw all that the Humans and done and looked on it with nager. Believeing that by destroying the Humans he could help to save what Elune had created in the form of the elves and nature he sent a terriable plauge ripping through the land. Elves themselves were immune to this diesease but Humans had no defense aginst it. For every 3 humans that walked the Earth 1 of them would fall to this plauge. It was a time of great sorrow, but the humans could not mourn for long becuase from the corpses of thier dead rose smthing even more terrible. Undead creatures and monsters now wlakedthe earth with the humans and there was not enough room for all 3 races. The Holy Farther looked on this with great sadness and decided to rally the humans and help lead them to victory aginst these horrors. The God who had created these creatures,Azrokan, Declared war on the Holy farther claiming that he was attempting to preserve what the object of his affections Elune had created. The Holy Farther however delcared that Azrokan wa sjust power hungry fool and looked to the human kingdoms to help him destroy him. And so began the ancient war between the two Gods Azrokan and The Holy Farther. For years the Human kingdoms fought the undead and monsters but to no avial. There enemies wer ejust two numerous and with each passing day the holy Farther grew weaker as the Earth was ravaged with the plauge. Elune's heart was torn between helping her love or protecting her race. By not warring Azrokan she ensured that the Elves would be protected in thier ancient forests, but forsaked the Holy Farther and the humans. The war continued like this for 10 years until finally Azrokan who had now become stornger than even The Holy Farthersought to destory the Elves and replace them with his own creation, the Drows. This was the last straw. Elune rallied the Elves and together withThe Holy Farther and his humans creations fought Azrokan and his legions. Althoguh it took 50 years Azrokans minions were reduced to but a few and Azrokan himself was imprisoned and cast into the pits of Hell for all eternity.