Sirion (Realm)/Sirion Army Manual/Day 6

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Sirion Army Manual

Day 6

The Specialist Armies

Of the five armies of Sirion, three accept warriors. The other two armies are specialists. You need to have enough Honor and Prestige to change your class in order to join these.

4) Sirion Scarlet Hunters (SSH)

Marshal: Hei Bakos

The SSH defends against monster and undead attacks. You don't need to be a Adventurer to join the SSH, but they are the best monster killers around.

The SSH consists of those nobles that are, for one reason or another, willing to fight monsters inside Sirion rather than fighting external enemies. These are usually nobles who are not able to keep up the rhythm of the front line armies.

5) Sirion Army of Bureaucracy (SAB)

Marshall: Klietos Cullom

The SAB consists of bureaucrats and warriors who act as troubleshooters. Each is assigned a 3-region area. The bureaucrats go from region to region, and do policework, check the books, and improve Morale and Realm Control. The warriors pursue monsters and keep order.

The SAB can always use new recruits, but Lord Klietos would prefer to not have temporary membership in his army, due to the fact that bureaucrats get more effective the longer they use their bureaucratic skills.

    You can become an Bureaucrat when your Honor is at [ ] and your Prestige is at [ ].

Important side note: To many bureaucrats are actually a bad thing and can hurt a realm due to a penalty it creates, which is why this class is the one where you can be ordered out of.