Artha Family

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The Artha Family originates from Wistir, Atamara and is believed to be the descendants of an ancient fire worshiping tribe of the far land. For centuries the Artha Family has dedicated itself to the quest of pursuing true knowledge however the new generation has shown an interest in politics, war and sports.

Man Va is the eldest of the clan while the triplets Arth De, Tej and Wid Ye are relatively younger.

Man Va


A dedicated noble in the realm of Darka, Atamara who prefers peace and serving the people of Zin but beware as he can be fierce in battle. Man Va has been seen defending the people of the north west from hordes of monsters. Man Va boasts of a fine education and is known for his scholarly prowess in mathematics, geometry, physics and astronomy.

Man Va's Life story

Man Va joins Darka

Arth De


Outspoken but fair Arth De serves the Libero Empire on Dwilight. Arth De is as bright as he is brave. Justice and honor mean the world to Arth De and he strives to live up to the lofty ideals embedded in him early in his life.

Arth De's Life story

Man Va joins Morek



A brave heart serving Minas Ithil, Atamara Tej grew up listening to stories of the legendary ancient hero Sir Tejas of Southasland. Tej hopes to emulate his hero if not better him. He serves Minas Ithil selflessly against the evil invaders. He is known to be an ardent student of swordsmanship.

Tej's Life story

Man Va joins Minas Ithil

Wid Ye


On the East Continent, serving Westmoor and Duke Corwin of Oligarch, Wid Ye is young but he hopes to one day be a fine politician and statesman.

Wid Ye's Life story

Man Va joins Westmoor