Vasata Family

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Revision as of 20:41, 5 December 2005 by LilWolf (talk | contribs) (Typos..)

This is the new family of the player LilWolf.

The family is young and so far only one member has ventured to explore the world. I didn't really do much roleplay with my previous family and characters. I hope to change this with my new family.

History of the Vasata family

The Vasata familys original home lies in Beluaterra, in the city of Sandefur. During the first undead invasion the family home was destroyed and the family sought refuge from Atamara. At that time they were not part of the nobility, they were a small merchant family.

The family settled in Siver, Darka. The family was lucky in having numerous children. With their help, the family fortune grew and soon they were a well recognized family of merchants. So much so, that a local noble married one of the familys sons, thus bringing the nobility into the family. The children of that marriage are the ones who now seek to further bring glory to the family.

Paigven Vasata

Darka, Atamara.

Paigven is a sturdy man with black hair and blue eyes. He does not act rashly and prefers to think things through. Some might call him a boring person since his sense of humor is not among the best. He prefers to wield his sword with care and for a just cause, but he will follow the orders of his higher ups..unless they're horribly, horribly wrong. His dislike for messengers is well known.

Amaarent Vasata

Darka, Atamara.

Amaarent is a free spirit. She's open minded and does not care for the normal decency rules of many realms. She is straight forward and isn't too picky on where she finds her entertainment for the night. Always travels with her maid and scribe(a source for many rumours). Although she may look frail, she knows how to use her sword and can keep up with many of the men. Her long red hair and blue eyes have always proven an asset, when looking for her nightly they men or women.

Time in Tara

She started out in Tara and spent about a month there. She got frustrated with the leadership and the overall state of the realm and left the realm to join her brother Paigven in Darka.

Sleanra Vasata

Old Grehk, Beluaterra.

Sleanra is an adopted member to the Vasata family. Her own family was brutally slain right before her eyes when she was young. It has left her mentally scarred to this day. Certain herbal mixes keep her head straight, but sometimes she forgets her medication and starts to act less than straight headed. Still, when she is clearheaded she has a sharp mind and can function as good as the next person.

Events leading to adoption

A letter Sleanra sent to everyone in Old Grehk to explain her less than sane behaviour after a battle with some undead.

Word of my recent actions after the battle at Job's Mouth has probably reached most of you by now. My head has cleared up since then and I'd like to explain why I did what I did. It's not a happy story nor is it for the faint of heart. It's a bloody story, it's a sickening story and it is what made me the way I am today.

I was not born into the Vasata family. I am an adopted member to the family. They've been kind enough to treat me like I was born into the family and allow me to present myself as one of them. How did I end up being adopted and how does that relate to things? Well..let me tell you.

I was originally born on Beluaterra, or the New World as it was known back then. My family wasn't a noble family, but they were wealthy merchants. Much like the Vasata family was, before they gained their nobility. Our relations with the Vasata family were very could call us blood bound allies. That is perhaps the reason why they took me in, after what happened.

I was about six at the time. My family and I were at our summer home, enjoying the sunshine and fruits of summer with many of our relatives. The home was some what isolated, the nearest village being a fair way off. We had a few servants and a few guards at the house to tend to our needs and safety.

One night I woke up to the sound of metal hitting metal and men screaming. I was just getting up when my mother rushed to the room with one of the guards and told me to get dressed quickly. I was frightened as the sounds of fighting were getting closer. I quickly dressed with the help of my mother, and then we left and headed towards the backdoor. As we got there, the door opened and a bunch of men rushed in, or rather, men like creatures. The guard tried fighting them, but he was quickly slain. I still remember the creatures laughing at the twitching corpse.

They took my mother and I outside, to the front of the house. The servants building was on fire, spewing black smoke all around. There was a whole bunch of the creatures and they were having fun with our servants. The creatures were standing in a circle, cheering on their comrades, who were beating the servants and my relatives, raping and doing unimaginable things to them at the center of the circle. My mother was pushed into the center of the circle and I was placed in the front row and forced to watch what they did to her.

Her clothes were quickly torn off and several of the creatures had their way with her. She was begging them to let me go the whole time. Tears rolled down her cheeks and her screams filled the night as the creatures took their turns with her. After the last one was done, one of them drew out his sword and cut off her head. It then took a hold of her cut off head, raised it to his mouth and drank the dripping blood. Her arms and legs were also cut off, each picked up by one of the creatures and the dripping blood drank from them.

My throat was sore. I quess I had unconsiously yelled the whole time. My eyes were red from the crying. It was my turn, one of the creatures pushed me to the center of the circle. There were many bodies – well, more like torsos as the heads, arms and legs were missing - laying there, including my fathers. Maybe I was too young for them, but they didn't try to have their way with me. They rather had their fun poking me with their spears. I was crying hysterically and screaming. It didn't take long for me to start bleeding from several wounds and I collapsed to the ground soon after. I must have lost my conciousness, because the next thing I remember is waking up in a healers tent. An army patrol had heard the screams and seen the smoke coming from our home and had headed to investigate. They arrived just in time to save me from death and wiped out the creatures. I later learned they are refered to as the Undead or Monsters.

The Vasata family heard what had happened to my family and were kind enough to take me under their care. They provided me with a new foundation for life and for that I am eternally gratefull to them. Every single day I do my best to bring honour to their family name.

Needless to say, I have never been the same after that night. I sometimes loose myself and do things that are, well, crazy. Certain herbal mixes keep my head straight, but there are events that can make me loose it. It has taken years to make myself a functional person again, but the event still haunts me and I doubt I'll ever get rid of the burden it has placed upon me.

Time in Thalmarkin

After spending some time as Duchess of Nuzanki, she got tired of the cold north and is now heading south, searching for a new home.