Artemesia Family/Jared

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The hero has wandered far, in the name of friendship now long forgotten, in the name of peace, now an ideal long discarded, in the name of bloodlust, now a sin long reconciled. his home is but a faraway memory of a place somewhere in his dreams. He had done his part, served as the silent but loyal follower, a hero to the people known not by his pomp but by his lack thereof. But those with the louder cries bellowed forth to fame and material glory while he remained only another silent follower. Battle became a sour taste to him, for he was but only a cog in the art of warfare, and as a cog, even good function was overlooked. He traveled to the east, to the land where the sun rose, where new opportunity awaited. He did it for one he deemed a friend, but also to leave behind his past as the silent killing machine called 'Hero'. But if only his heart was not human, he could have waved away the words of a woman he so admired, and continued his search for peace, or to resume his duties as this thing called 'Hero'. But no, his spirit was rendered confused, and he left to the land of war, where his bloodlust consumed. Bloodthirst when unquenched for too long leads to insanity. Nothing. He had become a null factor, a simple cog once more. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

And then he dreamed, the dreams of the ancestor. He looked once, at the sun overhead, and he realized his path was not the path of the hero, but the path of death. Thus ever he vowed to walk the earth, ever searching for release from the one word that forever haunts him: 'Hero'.

The path he walked is not the path I chose/ Thus he told me not to believe her/ Yet how could he know the name of mine/ Was yet my own and not his own mirror?