Black Shield of Dondor

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Revision as of 20:35, 3 October 2007 by Decimus Family (talk | contribs)


Name: Black Shield of Dondor

Type: Shield

Condition: 46%

Special: Prestige +2

Found by: Stratkos Decimus on Oct 3 2007


The fabled black shield of Dondor has some say, magical powers that aid its current holder in battle. Little is known of its origin or the blacksmith who forged it, apart from the fact that it was used in a great battle many millenia before the realms of today existed. It was rumored to have been lost - hidden in a deep cave with the most vile of creatures defending it.

As for what the Black Shield can do, some say that it can block out the very Sun in a battle, rendering archers useless and causing enemy cavalry to run in the opposite direction to seek light. Some others also claim that the strange insignia on the shield are not a crest of its former owner, but of a map to another world.

The Black Shield of Dondor was recently uncovered in Dondor by the freeman Straktos Decimus, the out-casted member of the Decimus Family. Details of the battle were sketchy, but were documented by a passerby as follows:

Straktos was searching the area for an hour, following trails and noises, when he finally encountered several groups of monsters. Of particular notice was that there was a leader, something rare for monsters; what the call an alpha monster, a really big and ugly one, whatever you want to call it.

The battle raged, Straktos against the monsters. The young warriors blows landed true and he was able strike most of them down, while a few managed to flee. The big one was the last to fall, but after an exhausting fight Straktos managed to take him down, too. In the lair of the big one, treasures were, silver and something else - the famed "Black Shield of Dondor"

Strangely enough, the moment he picked up the shield and exited the infested cave, there was an instant of darkness - it was as if the sun had been covered for an instant, and then it was light again. Whatever that item he found is, it is surely powerful! I would not want to meet him in battle!