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Vote of No Confidence

A Vote of No Confidence may be initiated by the nobles of the realm against any member of the council.. For a vote of no confidence to be called a Motion of No Confidence must first registered and seconded by sufficient nobles of the realm as described below

  • A Motion of No Confidence may be called for by any noble that has a legitimate and recorded oath that satisfies the requirements of the realm. To register a Motion of No Confidence the noble must post a message to the entire realm.
    1. The first line of the message should be as follows I call for a vote of no confidence against Nobles Full Name who currently holds the position of Council Position.
    2. Following the first line a brief description supporting the motion should be included
    3. The last line of the message should be as follows All those who agree with this motion should add their voice to mine
  • A motion of no confidence by any other realm member must be seconded before a vote of no confidence is initiated. For the motion to be considered seconded sufficient nobles of the realm must publicly second the motion to produce a vote of five under the following weighting system
    • Duke and Duchess have a voting weight of 3
    • Landed Lords and Ladies have a voting weight of 2
    • Knights that have a legitimate and recorded oath have a voting weight of 1
  • A motion of no confidence will stay open for a maximum period of five days. In addition a motion of no confidence will end if a day passes since the motion was last seconded
  • The Monarch may call Vote of No Confidence against any of the other three council members. In this case a motion is not required and the Vote of No Confidence proceeds

If the Motion of No Confidence is successful a Vote of No Confidence will immediately be called. It is the responsibility of the Monarch or the Judge to monitor the support for the Motion of No Confidence, declare the motion passed or failed and initiate the Vote of No Confidence if required. A Vote of No Confidence is governed by the following

  • Only the Monarch or Judge may initiate a Vote of No Confidence once the motion has passed. A vote initiated by any other realm member is not valid
  • There is no weighting system for a Vote of No Confidence all Nobles with a legitimate and recorded oath that satisfies the requirements of the realm have an equal vote. The vote shall be open for a period of three days only and required a two thirds majority of votes to pass.
  • If a Vote of No Confidence is passed, the council member has three days to step down.