Heen (Realm)/Heenite Highlights/August '07/Thrydwulf Convserses with Hannibal/Part 6

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Hannibal Gets Stressy

Letter from Hannibal
"you are supposed to be wounded..."

I am recovering...I heal quite quickly...

"But what of the hordes you command?"

Same can be said about you, good sir. You may fight for your beliefs, but what of mutiny? Does it happen often?

"The only likeness they have is that they follow a leader, like so many nobles alive."

Indeed. This is true, but what is the problem? They obey or they defect...desertion is a problem that plagues every army.

"The truth is that you have no need for line settings."

Jeeze, these titles "Horde" do not mean the same thing in the Abyss as they do to you. Unit sizes are broken down by point of origination, under 100 men = group, under 1000 men = horde, over 1000 men = legion. We keep it quite simple...

"there is nothing difficult in telling a mass of bodies to charge forwards."

If that were true, then the monsters would have defeated us in every turn. They are "stronger" so to speak, but we are more organized. Let me assure you, that if you would like a demonstration, we can lay siege to your city and easily breach it without the proper tools. We have done it once before, the very capital of Mesh was breached and exposed with our line settings...we did it again in Enwiel earlier on, both instances, we were searching for our relics.

"Like i said, numbers are what matters in your case."

And they don't matter in yours? Come now, you are beginning to sound a little slow in the head...would you not of done better with "more numbers?" Obviously, if we have more men...we risk MORE CASUALTIES haha! It is simple logic my friend. Don't make it difficult.

"Two can play at this game, because if you already know my answer then there is no need for future discussion."

This is not a game. This is where you make a mistake. Share the message with your people if you care about them. If not, let them die, and hang them out to dry. The monsters will not save you, and your men, will die for nothing.

"You do not seem complete to me. There is something you are missing. What is it? What do YOU seek? So how are you fighting FOR humanity if you increase the fear, hurt, pain?"

We do not increase any of those things. Take a look around...most of us are united. It is only the few ignorant ones that will perish if nothing changes. Valhalla has to be executed by his own people if they wish to see the future, and yours, need only revolt and deport your queen to have a chance at seeing the future. We are fair.

"Everyone who has not experienced love will fear death. What is it that you love that makes you unafraid?"

We are already dead my friend, it was our love and dedication that has prolonged our duties as undead. Someday, I probably won't remember any of this...why should I fear waking up from a dream again? Do your duties, and don't live life with regrets...always do what is right, and fight to protect. If your soul is one like my own, I may very well call you comrade someday. Or perhaps not. Of the Millions of Humans that live their lives, only the extraordinary join our ranks of leadership...so don't be dissapointed if you aren't among us when the day comes...only .01% of all humans ever get a "2nd life" as an undead commander. All the others eventually join our ranks with broken memories, and uncertainty...with the exception of the truely evil. The truely evil remain evil even as undead, and they tend to defect as soon as opportunity is able, and wreak havoc on the living. We are always grateful when we hear news of their deaths.

At any rate, you are quite young to be General in my opinion, but you must have some great tactics on the field to have earned such a title so quickly. Maybe, you will realize that Humanity is more Important than your Queen. Or maybe not.
