Avamar (Realm)/Betray

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One's Betrayal

One Rogala, a trusted and loyal Avamarian since the time of the Revolution finally fell into Doccy's trap and almost surrender Avamar to the enemy. However, at the very last moment he decided to leave the continent and send Doc to the nine hells.

His Uncle, El Cid, who had fought for Avamar in the past, joined the Realm just after his nephew's departure, only to meet a freezing welcome by the People of Avamar. He eventually lost his temper trying to protect the name of his family, but the only thing he managed was to be expelled from Avamar.

Below the highlights of the story are presented:

Lalakis finds out...

As a lonely raider, wearing a dark hood which fully covers his features departs from Avamar, Sir Lalakis, shocked by the last news, runs to the People's Hall, the Palace of the former Elf Tyrant who ruled West Sirion once....

"One, One! Lord One, my friend, my comrade, my companion! One, where are you?" Lalakis shouts desperately, running through the dead empty marble corridors of the giant building

"One! Oooone! Oooooooone!" The realisation shock slowly comes to Lalakis, as he approaches the Prime Minister's Office, doors wide open, no guards around. He takes a deep breath and enters, knowing what he will see, no matters how strongly he wishes for the opposite

"One wher...." His sentence is left unfinished, as Lalakis finally faces the ruthless reality...

The Prime Minister’s Office, is totally empty. Important diplomatic documents and other papers are scattered around. Open drawers, things are missing. Somebody has torn the place apart... The same one that left in a hurry... The same...One....

A note has been left on the desk.

Lalakis picks it up with his crippled right hand, using the good one to lean against a fallen closet. The weight of such a revelation is unbearable

"People of Avamar,

I think I am going to have to step down, and leave this realm forever.

I made a deal with Doc, to surrender Avamar. The plan was foolproof, no one would have been able to stop it, but then I got all emotional...

I can't destroy Avamar, no matter how hard I try. Still I can't stay here any longer pretending that I care, because either I don't or I feel one else does.

Doc is really going to be pissed; at least I can be happy knowing that.

I will miss you all and if you ever wish to visit me, I'll be on Atamara. Farewell and good luck Avamar.

One Prime Minister of Avamar"

Obviously nobody dared to touch the note since One's departure. The guards of the Office had been obviously the first to notice. And then it was a matter of few minutes before the rumor for treason spread up in the whole City of Avamar.

"Surrender Avamar...By YOU One...A traitor...I can't believe it! I just can't believe it!" A tear drops from Lalakis eyes as he remembers all those years he spent together with One.

Planning for the good of Avamar, for the good of the People. The glorious moments they shared together, the bitter defeats they withstand together. The bright future they had envisaged together.

And now...He, a person beyond any suspicion, turn to be a traitor! A filthy traitor! The scums of the earth! The scavengers of this world! His friend! A traitor!

Too much bitterness to withstand...Lalakis feels his head spinning around, before loosing consciousness...

Few hours have been passed, since the departure of One the Traitor. People have gathered in the Heroes Square, protesting, demanding the head of One... The tension escalates and there's only a slight distance between the boundaries of an expected protestation of people who felt betrayed and the initiation of a witch hunt motivated by an outraged mob...

The City Guard has been tactfully withdrawn to a safer place and no military insignia can be shown anywhere, as they could spark the fire that would devour Avamar...

Hoof beats, coming form the main road, now blocked with barricades hastily set up by the mob, interrupts the passionate speech of a former Guard of the People's Hall, who now spits on his uniform, cursing the lost years under the commands of Avamar's Prime Minister's.

A Battle horse, fully armoured, jumps over the low obstacle and trots between the stunned mob. His raider, wears a still shiny but penetrated by a thousand blows, full plate. A gauntlet hand bears an old, torn out banner which holds a strange symbol that somehow resembles the flag of sirion. The only actual difference is the colour of the sphere, a bright green instead the red colour, Sirionites use. The cape of the Knight is scarlet, as the thin robe he wears above the full plate. A small Hand, pitch black in colour, is drawn at the location of his heart.

The mysterious raider removes the full helmet from his head, revealing the well known face of Lalakis.

"Lalakis! How you dare to come here! Alone!" Garnis, the speaker warns him aloud, in order to be heard by the angry people

"You have betrayed us all! We have served you for years, we have shed our blood, we have turned the river that crosses Avamar red by the colour of our enemies, we have given all our wealth for our Real, we have starved, died, lost friends and families to fight the damned elves and you've betrayed us! And now you dare to come here alone, wearing the funny clothes and bearing the symbols of the time of the Revolution! How you dare!" Garnis continues, his eyes red by despair. He has obviously cried a lot in the last hours

"Garnis" Lalakis shouts

"We have fought together for long. You were the most trusted member of my personal guard, during my service in the People's Hall. You know me for so many years. Do you really believe what you are saying? Do you believe that me or anybody else could ever betray Avamar and surrender it to Sirion? Tell me, Garnis, do you believe it? Look deep in your heart and tell me!"

"What are you saying? I have seen with my own eyes, One's note! I have seen and read his evil plans! We have to take control of the Government! The Nobles, Knights and Lords of Avamar betrayed us! " Garnis replies feverishly

"Who betrayed you Garnis? Who betrayed you People of Avamar" He turns around looking each face of the citizens that surround him in a penetrating way

"Doc, the Demon of Deception, has managed to corrupt Lord One. It is true! However, didn't you see what happen? Did your anger blind you? Can't you see that One actually kept his loyalty to the very end? Yes, he may have agreed to surrender Avamar! But he didn't it! He preferred to step down and leave ashamed, instead of actually betray us! He wouldn’t be able to bear the guilty! Can't you see that he could simply keep his plans well hidden and destroy our Republic from within?" Garnis together with much citizens stares at Lalakis with a puzzled look at their faces.

"Good" Lalakis thinks "At least they know think logically. Not blinded by sheer emotions any longer"

"Can't you see how strong our loyalties, beliefs, ideals, truly are? Even potential traitors prefer to leave forever and loose everything than actually surrender to the enemy! Even Doc himself is powerless in front of our strong commitment to our Republic! Don't loose your faith my friend Garnis!Don't forget People of Avamar! You were the ones that broke the chains of Sirion! You are the true Heroes of Avamar! Since the very first day of the Revolution! Do not let the anger blind you!" Lalakis takes a deep breath and continues.

"People, remember! You have all been loyal to Lady Naira, I know that most -if not all of you- trusted her, you would follow her to hell if she had requested so! I know that you didn't like elections and you loved you Prime Minister. But people, we have a Constitution we have to follow. We have a constitution to protect your own rights. And such phenomena, incapable rulers, may occur. So, we could have a put a dictator in charge of Avamar to avoid situations like this. Would you like that?"

"No my Lord!" Gratis replies

"Nooooooooooooo!" a loud yell of a thousand combined voices, comes in support of his response

"Would you like to offer Doc a good opportunity for laughing at us?"

"Noooooooooooo!" the crowd shouts

"Would you like to crush some elven heads and cut off some pointy ears, instead of causing internal unrest?"

"Yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah!" people cheers in a loud agreement

"People of Avamar! I'm proud of you! I'm proud for every single man, woman or child in this Realm! And I swear to protect each one of you with my own life!


The barricades are removed within seconds, militia, soldiers and militia floods the Square, hugging each other, smiles and tears of joy, at their faces. Avamar's flags are unfolded and some street artists have already set up a small stage, performing the last act of "The Great Doctator". The shout "Death to Doc! Death to Sirionites! Death to the Elf Bandits" vibrates the City

Doccy's reveals his plans and attempts to corrupt Lalakis

Roleplay from Doc (14 hours, 44 minutes ago) Lalakis,

I take it you do not wish to surrender Avamar peacefully either, in exchange for Sirion paying for all of the TL's transportation costs to another Island if they wish to emmigrate?

Let me know...remember, to emmigrate, it costs 50 gold a pop...

DP Sir Doc

At this point Sir Lalakis, Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Avamar pretends that he is willing to surrender Avamar, attempting to delay Doccy in order to better organise the defences of Avamar. Doc offers a lot but after the battle in Kazakh he realises that Avamar's Walls are not as strong as they used to be:

Report from Doc (1 day, 3 hours ago) Lalakis,

I do not care too much for this offer you sent me because it is unrealistic and illegal...but I would like to make a counter-offer that doesn't violate the game's rules:

1. We don't want to see the Avamarians TLs banned (this is against BM rules),we want to see the militia disbanded when we are ready to attack.

2. We can offer a maximum of 1,500 gold in compensation...divided any way YOU want...AFTER the City of Avamar is in our possession.

3. We withdraw our offer to pay the passages of every Avamarian to another Island because this new gold will make a few rich...and leave the ungrateful others high and dry, at the Request of the Avamarian Government.

4. This agreement remains secret, only my Council will be privvy, and you+friends we are to pay the gold to...you will all be required to leave Sirion immediately upon payment...safest way to keep 100% of your gold is by sending it to your Family, taking a ship...and getting it out wherever it is you choose to go.

5. Sirion will pay absolutely nothing upfront for this takeover because it is not guaranteed. However, for laying down the city peacefully, you will be compensated as mentioned above, and an honorable mention will be mentioned to our realm once we have demilitarized Avamar: "Lalakis has surrendered, and we will allow his people to leave...he and his "x" friends have been granted political immunity in "x" region, once Avamar is taken over by Sirion, he and the other refugees will be allowed to join Sirion long enough to leave this Island."

6. Keeping in mind section 5, you will be asked to join Sirion only after we tell you to...we gotta come up with the gold, so you join, get paid, and then you may leave.

What do you think? One more thing I didn't add...once you disband the militia, have you + friends we will be paying disband your own personal units. This is a large-scale operation, but it is not impossible. If only you + 2 other friends pull it off...that is 500 gold for each of you...not too shabby.


The Duel

El Cid (Noble) has challenged you to a duel of honour till death. You have 3 days to answer the challenge. In order to resolve the duel, both of you have to be in the same region. His challenge was accompanied by these words: You have brought dis-honour to my family name, prepare to die!

You should answer his challenge and either accept or reject it.

You have now rejected the challenge from El Cid (Noble).

You sir who now just like your nephew I will never call Noble, you sir are NOT worthy to lift a finger let alone a sword against the like of me. I asked my Aunt to what shall I answer. Her words were,

"Are you kidding me child, he is not only male, but a mere human. Drop that grin out of you face, though you may be Drow, you are still male."

I obey the women of my house hold, so close your mouth, keep it quiet, take the punishment for the ban placed upon you like a man. Don't drag me to your level, for even as a scoundrel Swashbuckler as I am I can not stoop that low. I love Avamar, I respect Avamar and I will die for Avamar.

What I will not do, if fight some foolish human with to much testosterone, thinking that by my death will redeem his family name. Call your Nephew back to stand trial and redeem it yourself. As asked by Lady Donna Ragna this is all I will say in the matter, only bring this back because you challenged me to the death and nothing more. Now if you excuse me, I have more important things to do like feed my Rottweilers.

--Bows very deeply, sweeps his plummed brim hat and sweeps, stands up and smiles broadly, clicks his heels and heads to his house.--

Thanfedal (Knight of Avamar)

One's Exodus

Rumours have surfaced of One's return to Avamar. How this is possible is still yet unknown.