Osha Family/Barbar

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Barbar Osha

Lord Barbar Osha
Age Died Aged 30
Place of birth Koolaris, Giblot
Realm(s) Carelia
Ash Sea Islands
Class Hero
Title(s) Baron
Religion The Trinity
Alignment Good

During his early life, Barbar had to put up with alot of arguing with his brothers, particularly Sera who was an exact opposite of Barbar in almost every way. Barbar was relieved to see his elder brother leave to start his military career and allow Barbar to train in peace. Barbar angered the family recently by moving the contents of the family mansion in Koolaris, all the way to a new mansion in Irdalni. Sera is currently denying the truth of such a tale and seeks to prove him wrong by visitng the old Mansion. The Consequences for Barbar when Sera finds out the truth are impossible to predict.

Early Life

As soon as Barbar was old enough to pick up a sword, he was a natural with it. Barbar wowed everyone who saw him fight. His advanced skill contrasting with his young age. However Barbar did not let it all go to his head, and he mixed study with swordmanship throughout his young life before taking his first steps to becoming a Noble.

Barbar is a family man of sorts. He feels that it his duty to Defend his Family - whatever the costs. With this extreme loyalty and a strict set of morals in hand, Barbar said goodbye to his life in Koolaris and took a ship to Atamara to make his name in the world.

Barbar's Heroics

The first Realm Barbar joined was Carelia and he relished all the battles he had there. So happy he was with the warrior lifestyle he was leading, Barbar took his first steps down the path of Heroes. For a short while Barbar used his new status for the greater good and he did his best to defend the weak and prevent injustice. It wasn't long however before Barbar left Carelia for the Ash Sea Islands. Fleeing the moral decay which had compelled Carelia to declare war on this fair realm.

While in ASI Barbar was able to keep a watchful eye over his brother as well as help defend against the tyrannical and dark forces that surrouneded ASI. As soon as Barbar was confident that his brother could stand up on his own two feet Barbar decided to leave Atamara for home in the Colonies.

A Return to Home

Once in the Colonies it did not take Barbar long to see the Darkness his brother had sown in Giblot. Disgusted, Barbar vowed never to return to his Homeland whilst Sera's corrupting influence remained there.

So Barbar travelled South and joined the religious Realm of Alowca, where the people were all followers of the Trinity Religion. Barbar quickly dedicated himself to these new and strange Gods and learned of their teachings. He would use his new found faith to destroy evil such as his brothers...

Barbar's Barony

Shortly after Barbar joined Alowca, he quickly rose to prominence in the ranks of the Alowcan nobility, usually being one of the more vocal of the Alowcan Nobles. After Alowca's Peaceful acqusition of Irdalni, Anomalous, Pontifex of Alowca granted Barbar the right to reign over the Barony of Irdalni as a reward for his services to the realm. Barbar quickly turned the region into a thriving community and currently the Citizens are very happy as their quality of life continues to improve under Barbar.

Family Disgrace

A couple of years before his death, Barbar took it upon himself in a painful and ardorous process, to hire people to move the contents of the Koolaris Family Mansion, all the way to his new Mansion in Irdalni. Although Barbar claims that he's protecting the family's belongings from Undead, some believe that Barbar is trying to remove Sera's dark influence over House Osha. Only time will tell if Sera has suceeded.


Barbar died during a time of great Political Upheaval upon the Colonies and it was his erratic, yet Heroic behaviour during this period that eventually led to his death. News of Barbars death quickly spread round the continent after he fell, adding to the infamy of Barbar's heroic Actions. The absence of any Osha family members from the funeral appeared to confirm that Sera has managed to retake control of the direction of House Osha

Events Leading up to Death

<Oritolon attacks Abaka from Grentzen. Superior force demolishes the Alowcan force. Down to wire cross in the Council. Looting begins. Barbar upset for citizens. Challenges Loki to a Duel to Surrender to fight for the peasants honour>

Barbar's Demise

<Barbar meets Loki, after a long duel, Barbar finally concedes to Loki. However, Oritolon troops attacked Barbar and his 2 guards as they fled the dueling area. Heroic last stand before Death>

Barbar Roleplays

It's a Hard Life being a Hero

Barbar suddenly noticed a raised platform in the middle of Abaka. It hadn't been there yesterday and just seemed to have appeared overnight. Interested, Barbar politely excused himself from the conversation with his soldiers and walked up to it alone. As Barbar approached he began to make out some writing upon the steps leading onto the platform, though he couldn't read it yet. When he finally got to the steps he suddenly learned what the platform was for. The writing said:

"Heroes - Tell Your Tales Here! Free of Charge!"

Barbar, excited by this opportunity quickly got onto the raised platform and waited for his adoring crowd to come. Who would've thought that he could spin a tale or two before Alowca had even finished their reorganisation of Abaka's administration? Barbar waited upon the platform for 10 minutes but no-one came to greet him. Confused, Barbar decided that he would begin telling his tale anyway and then when the peasants heard they would come out and see him and applaud when he was done! Yes that was a good plan! And so Barbar started to waffle...

Four Hours Later...

"...and that folks is how I saved an entire village from a demonic herd of cows!"

Barbar bowed as he finished and then he finally he opened his eyes (he always got so nervous during his speeches). Astonished, Barbar saw that there was no-one there. Barbar stood there gobsmacked for a moment before he slowly made his way off the platform looking throughly put out. Passing his sniggering soldiers on the way back to camp didn't help his mood much either.

Barbar sighed when he eventually got back to his administration tent. He would just have to wait until the Abakan's became Alowcans before he could tell his tale again...

Continents: Atamara | Colonies
Realms: Alowca | Ash Sea Islands | Carelia