Asgard Informer/Issue Four

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Price: 2 silver coins Phoenix sized.png Main editors: Xaphanix Vanimedle’, Rognak Dakka

Phoenixsmall.png   2 Victories on the Battlefield and Ding Dong DA3 is Dead!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Askari

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

February 10, 2009

This past week has seen Norland achieve several morale boosting victories in a war that was starting to look stale. Following a change in strategy that involved fortifying Winwich against enemy attacks, Norland achieved two large victories against Minas Ithil, succesfully driving off two haphazard waves of Ithilians attacking Winwich. Norland's defensive stance allowed it to easily rush reinforcements to Winwich and outnumber the attacking Ithilians. These battles were the first large battles in the war in which the Ithilians took more casualties than Norland. The final tally was over 300 casualties on each side and 10 Ithilians wounded or captured. Norland lost the great viking lord Darg Eldreth in the second battle, yet another hero of Norland sent to Valhalla.

Following thee great victories was an even greater one. The arch enemy of Norland, Dead Angel 3, long the cause of many of Norland's woes was executed this week by grand Executor Gunner Serpent Strife after being caught attemping to assassinate the great Krypton Validus, one of Norlands greatest rulers and the man that lead Norland in the creation of the Northern Federation and the wars to reach our current size. Though the Ithilians have vowed vengeance it shall be Norland tha is avenged for the death of nearly a dozen heroes fighting against mi and for the Ithilians cowardly plot to destroy Eston.

Phoenixsmall.png   Successful Ambush In Winwich and an Ithilian Counter-offensive   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Askari

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

January 25, 2009

Yesterday the armies of Norland successfully ambushed the ithilian army in Winwich. After starting a fake TO of Dunstoke to lure the Ithilian forces into attacking the apparently defenseless region of Winwich, the armies of Norland quickly returned to Winwich to meet the Ithilian attack head on. Although the ithilians had a greater number of nobles and cavalry, Norland and our Barony allies had the element of surprise. (Minas Ithil: 39 attackers: 526 Inf, 106 Arch, 92 Cav: 9,353 CS vs Norland and Barony:26 defenders:580 Inf, 50 MI, 121 Arch, 22 Cav: 8692 CS)

Expecting an easy victory, the Ithilians were stunned when they found a Northern Federation army f equal size waiting for them in Winwich. Taking advantage of this, the Norland forces quickly attacked the enemy lines as our archers fired into the packed infantry squares of the Ithilians. After several hours of intense combat the battle seemed able to swing any way with the ithilians holding the advantage. However, at that moment the last moment, Norlands reserve of 28 infantrymen of the Nemesis militia unit and the Grey Wolves lead by Sortel were ordered into the ithilian flank. Though the units did little damage themselves, the flank attack forced the ithilians to divert much of their forces to deal with the reserves and allowed the rest of Norland's infantrymen to reorganized and regain the momentum eventually breaking the Ithilian line before falling back themselves. With all of the infantry gone, the battle turned into shootout between the archers of Norland and Minas Ithil.

Having stalled the Ithilian advance, Norland's forces returned to brackhead to refit and prepare for another offensive while MI started a TO of Winwich.

Phoenixsmall.png   New Year, New region, New-ish Konungr   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Askari

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

January 2, 2009

Tha new year started tha same tha old year ended, with a victory for tha Northern Federation. Today tha largest rural region in Minas Ithil, Cheltenborne, was captured by Norland forces. This is a great blow ta Ithilian morale as Cheltenborne has long been a prime example o' loyalty ta tha Ithilian crown.

This conquest is just another example o' how successful tha Northern Federation's strategy o' pillaging tha farms o' Minas ithil's heartland has been. Lyton's farms has been reduced ta burnt cinders after repeated battles an' looting from tha Barony an' Eston an' Dunstoke remains lordless an' tha Ithilians only have a tenuous hold on tha region. This weak grip will soon be broken as tba heroes o' Norland have been sent ta bring this increasingly lawless region inta Norland's control.

In other news, Konungr Gorhero Capelo declined ta run fer re-election. Former Konungr Phillip Lacoste was able ta pull off a landslide victory in tha election an' is now once again tha leader o' Norland. His election was cause fer great celebration an' drinkin' throughout Norland an' many a viking is now nursing a hangover while preparing fer battle once again.

Phoenixsmall.png   They came from tha Mountains!   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Askari

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

December 30, 2008

This afternoon tha army o' Eston managed ta successfully infiltrate more than a thousand soldiers inta Lyton from Elost in tha first successful assault from tha mountains since tha war began. Tha leaders o' Eston struck with suck speed that tha Ithilian counter attack was unable ta wipe out their vanguard. Though casualties were high on both sides, with Eston losing close ta 250 men, our confederates were able ta outnumber and outmaneuver tha Ithilians ta pull off a victory. This surprise attack has caused tha Ithilians ta panic and throw all remaining forces ta drive Eston out o' Lyton allowing Norland's armies ta march across tha river with minimal resistance and begin a TO o' Winwich.

Phoenixsmall.png   Don't Call It a Comeback   Phoenixsmall.png
by Rognak Askari

Translated and Edited by the Royal Yeti Printing Company''

December 19, 2008

The past week has seen the Northern Federation make its greatest gains so far in the war. This weeks campaign began Monday evening with an allied force of 15,800Cs barely losing to an Ithilian force of 15,600Cs. Although the week began with a defeat, the NF forces managed to take prisoner or wound most of the Ithilian marshals and the Ithilian King Raoul De La Fere. With so much of their military leaders lost, the Ithilians were easily defeated in the second battle of Winwich where reinforcements from Eston helped to route the Ithilian forces own reinforcements in a battle of 16,000 Cs of NF troops against 9,000Cs of Ithilian forces.

Learning from their past mistakes, the NF army pursued the Ithilians into Cheltenborne and crushed the retreating army while the Norland rearguard started a TO of Winwich. Eston and Barony forces pursued the Ithilian stragglers into Crahandan and Lyton while the Armies of Norland finished their takeover of Winwich and started a brutal TO of Cheltenborne that has seen the deaths of more than 20% of the region's population. By week's end more than a third of Minas Ithil's nobility had been imprisoned or wounded by NF forces. This success was tempered by the revolt of Melmoor but the region has joined Norland's good ally the Barony so it is not a serious loss.