Caligus Post/Issue 1

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December in Review
By: Agelmar Gaidin
Published December 29, 1008
[Editor's Note: After December we will try to have weekly updates]

Caligus sure experienced a busy month. First with the successful conclusion of our war with Fontan. Then after a brief period of peace we formally declared war on Ibladesh to aid our beleagured allies Itorunt.

Important Dates

  • December 1, 1008: Members of the Caligus vanguard who skirmished with Fontanese troops, in what would prove to be several large battles over the contested region of Braga.

  • December 3, 1008: Victory over the forces of Fontan.
    • After a back and forth contest this massive battle resulted in a victory for the combined armies of Perdan, Caligus, and Westmoor. Many brave and noble men of all the nations present lost their lives on that bloody but glorious day.
      • With our manpower seriously depleted and more Fontanese reinforcements on the way the Allied armies left the region of Braga to return to their respective capitals to refit. This was the last major battle of the war that Caligus participated in. With peace talks underway, all forces returned to their respective homelands and only engaged in minor skirmishing.

  • December 17, 1008: Saw a letter from our great king explaining the reasoning behind our going to war with Ibadesh.
Official declaration. I just went straight to the point and made it short.

Greetings Rulers,

As many of you have likely figured out on your own already, Caligus will be declaring war on Ibladesh. My main reason is this (I have just copied the one section which Ibladesh didnt hold up to at all and never intended to)

"Serendipity Treaty"

3. Itorunt will receive Zawr, Az Zarqua and Dayr as soon as the treaty is signed.

If your going to counter about Itorunt being hostile in the time. Both of you did things to each other but you were honorbound to hold this end of the bargain and hand over these three regions to Itorunt and they were supposed to be handed over immediately. The reason that Itorunt did the actual declaration is irrelevant (I figure Ibladesh was just afraid to actual do the declaration thats the only difference) The treaty was not held from your end and it was never going to be.

I can mention other reasons for going in like supporting our allies and so on but this reason is more then enough. Caligus will however not engage Tuchanon at this time and i dont expect to.

An attack will not come before an official war declaration


Doombringer Deathkiller

King of Caligus

  • December 20, 1008: Saw the opening battle in our war with Ibadesh at the Mines of Isadril. This unfortunately resulted in a defeat of the forward part of our army due to inclement weather delaying the rest of our forces by several hours. After holding the line for as long as we could, we were driven back. We rallied our brave men and prepared the way for the rest of our army which arrived that evening. Once the rest of our forces arrived we launched another attack that night. With this victory secured more reinforcements from Caligus arrived to begin the takeover of this region. After 5 days we had secured the region and convinced the partisan forces to lay down their arms and surrender peacefully.

  • December 25, 1008: MERRY CHRISTMAS

  • December 26, 1008: Agelmar Gaidin was appointed as the Baron of the Mines of Isadril.

Rumors of December's Battles