O'Shea Family

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Oshea.gif The O'Shea Family*

House O'Shea

Characteristics common to members of this House:

-The O'Shea family mansion is located in Bolgar on Atamara, which is part of the Kingdom of RedSpan.

-All members of this House serve Da Great Goat (represented on our family crest), though some are more devout than others.

-Members of this House seem to have a knack for managing money.

-"Duty unto death", is the House motto. Interpretation of this credo varies by family member.

Current News

Quest for Vengeance

The O'Shea family has a Goat-given quest by Da Hairy One to smite his vengeance upon some of the current and former members of the Ikalak (SEI) High Council for the wrongful execution of Emmitt II. Here are their names and the status of our quest:

Alanna Anaris - Alanna has fled the crumbling realm of Ikalak for Old Grekh on Beluaterra.

Sponge Beam - Sponge has not only apologized to the family for his involvement in Emmitt II's murder, but has also finally agreed in principle to Finegus' request for a duel. They have chosen to meet in Sandalak City.

Yavanna Galadeon - Nothing so far, still in Ikalak.

Castamir Corsairs of Umbar - Nothing so far, still in Ikalak.

Active Family Members




Deceased Family Members

May they rest in peace and enjoy infinite ales in the company of Da Great Goat.


Emmitt II

O'Shea Family Song

Da Great Goat and I**

Each sunny day upon my way
Da Great Goat I pass;
He has a beard of silver grey,
A bell of brass.
And all the while I am in sight
He seems to muse,
And stares at me with all his might
And chews and chews.

Upon the hill of Stargard sweet
With joy of Spring,
He hails me with a raucous bleat
Of welcoming.
Though half the globe is drenched with blood
And cities flare,
Contentedly he chews the cud
And does not care.

Oh gentle friend, I know not what
Your age may be,
But of my years I'd give the lot
Yet left to me,
To chew Mother's cooking and not choke,
And bright of eye
Gaze at the old majestic bloke
Who hobbles by.

Alas! though bards make verse sublime,
And lines to quote,
It takes a fool like me to rhyme
About Da Great Goat.

*: thanks to www.heraldry.ws for the crest image

**: adaptation of "The Goat and I", by Robert William Service

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