Knuth Family

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Revision as of 00:56, 13 August 2008 by Luca Masters (talk | contribs) (Another mysterious fame point)



Lyst is a young noble of from Eston on Atamara. He began his career as a knight of Massillion at the beginning of the 2007 war with Falasan, and it is no small coincidence. He has never forgiven the Falasan soldiers for breaking his favourite toy when they assisted the Massillion rebels. Nasty brutes.

The war is over, but Lyst--now an infiltrator--is merely biding his time before heading southward and assassinating every last member of Falasan. (In addition to everyone else who has slighted him in any way.)


Kent is several years older than Lyst and lacks his cousin's obsession with killing Falasan. A trader of Ibladesh on the East Continent, he feels he's too old for the hectic pace of battle, and Ibladesh isn't fighting one right now anyway. He prefers travelling about the continent sampling the ales of different regions.


Kent's nephew Dretske has been disowned, and is living as an adventurer in Beluaterra. This is his great grandmother's doing. The old hag rules the family with an iron fist, and when Dretske fell afoul her hot temper, he was tossed aboard the first ship heading for far away lands.


FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
FB Unknown.png

My seventh fame point appeared on 2008-08-12 or shortly before. Recent events: I apparently found a unique item (discovered it in my items), broke 100 honour between all characters, lost the Wicked Scroll of Betrayal (seriouswound), assassinated a king.

My sixth fame point appeared on 2007-12-30. Why? My trader was captured in battle in Perdan, my infiltrator had nothing happen, and my adventurer had nothing happen. *shrug* I don't think honour/prestige changed (25/6, 73/21, 1/1).

My fifth fame point appeared on 2007-12-29 (or possibly earlier). Best guess is that it's due to my infiltrator hitting 50% skill (infiltration). He actually got an estimate of 55% on 2007-12-23, but that could happen while still below 50%. Since then, he's just been getting estimates of 50%, with improvements on 2007-12-28 and 2007-12-29.

I don't recall the exact circumstances of my forth fame point, but my trader has done a fair bit of black market work, so that may be it.