The Fontan Democrat/September '08

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Fontan Democrat Header.png
September '08

Printed in Krimml, Karbala, and Fontan City Free

Fontan News
Gregor Captured
By, Alise Athins
During a skirmish in Fontan City the rebel leader Gregor was capture. His fate has been decided, he will pay for his treachery with his life. He has played many pivotal parts in Fontanese history, as a former chancellor, and as a noble. A lesson to be learned from him is that anyone can be a traitor. It is also of note that he made an escape attempt but wast thwarted.
Confederates Return
By, Alise Athins
With the death of the Confederacy now only a few days away, Confederates are abandoning ship. A few have already chosen to return home to Fontan. Seeing possible problem, a plan for re-integration has been set forth by Chancellor Mikhail and confirmed by Supreme Justice Duncan. It is as follows:

1. Sign a registrar which will note your date of entering the re-integration program

2. Sign an agreement that I will submit to you relinquishing all loyalties to the Confederacy and our enemies, that you will not spy for our enemies and swear unwavering loyalty to the people of Fontan and to subject yourself to a period of probation which will include:

-30 day period of good behaviour where your performance will be monitored by the Chancellor and Supreme Justice, and at any time may be banished or exiled for for actions detrimental to the realm (this includes antagonizing certain nobles)

- 3 month waiting period until you are admitted to the Fontanese Assembly
- 6 month waiting period until you are allowed to hold a position of Region Lord in Fontan

3. Publicly state your renouncement of loyalty to the Confederacy, your allegiance to Fontan and your oath as a noble to serve Fontan in any capacity you can.

4. After 30 days of service a vote will be held on your performance and whether the people of Fontan will accept you as one of their own.

It is also of not that the former Confederate Banker, Sir Hamilton, has returned and was the first to agree to these terms.

Election Time
By, Alise Athins
The results of this months elections are in and the results are as follows:

  • Chancellor: Mikhail is reconfirmed.
  • Minister of Defense: Basilius is reconfirmed.
  • Minister of Finances: Elberan is reconfirmed.
  • Supreme Justice: Duncan is elected as the new Supreme Justice. He replaces Lady Moria.

The Walls of Fontan City
By, Alise Athins
This happened a day ago, but I choose to save it for the new issue. A combine force of Lions, Rangers, and FSR broke the walls of Fontan City. The Confederacy of Fontan is now nearly destroyed. Our occupation forces are in the process of taking over the city. It new Duke is still being decided by referandum, and we will inform you when they are chosen. It is indeed a glorious day as our namesake city returns to us.

World News
By, Alise Athins
Perdan's intentions of creating a "New Oligarch" have come to be today as the Duchy of Westmoor seceded to form the monarch of Westmoor. Evangeline, the former Queen of Perdan is to be its first ruler. Once again Fontan will have to fight a farce of a realm to bring our lands back under our control. Westmoor will share the same fate as it's two predecessors, Light of Fountain and The Confederacy of Fontan. The only difference between the three is Perdan was occupying our lands when they were seceded. Fontan's official stance is that we will not recognize Westmoor as a legitimate realm. We lose one enemy with the death of the Confederacy, and gain another. Our armies will once again march to re-claim our lands.