Talk:The Way of the Dragons

From BattleMaster Wiki
Revision as of 07:59, 28 August 2008 by Kellaine (talk | contribs) (Nazia)

It seems you forgot about the Dragon that is still said to inhabit the mountains of Nazia, to these days. ;) The realm of Drachenwald even came out of a belief in it! :) - Ta|i 02:33, 27 August 2008 (CEST)

I'm beginning to wonder if this is not actually a branch of the Church of the Great Dragon, but instead a rip-off... ^.- Chénier 15:03, 6 August 2008 (CEST)

Response to the Great Dragon

No this is not a branch of the Great Dragon or a Rip off of it.

It is a mixture Celtic belief on the four Dragon Lords and the virtues of the Asatru.

Guardian Dragons are used world Wide in pagan beliefs to watch over ceremonies and rituals even today and goes back thousands of years.

The storyline was simply created for the enjoyment of BM. It is not a real religion, but has a basis in real practice though severely modified for play in BM.


I had no idea about this dragon. It would not be hard to work this dragon into one of the Guardian Dragons.

Thank you for the Information.