Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Edara and Jenred's Royal Wedding/King Jenred's Tent

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After making his initial announcement, Jenred slumped in his chair for a moment. He could scarcely believe it was finally happening. He'd promised all those years ago to manage a tournament for the wedding...A bold claim for a new infiltrator...And it had required that he become King before he managed it. All the delays, all the problems...Save for that damnable war with Ethiala and Papania...Everything was going to plan.

Which, of course, just made him even more paranoid and jittery, but that couldn't be helped.

It was time to find Edara...She would be able to calm him down...And probably...Hm, maybe over with the tumblers? He'd have to see...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

The days leading up to the tourney had been so hectic: so much to organize; so much to do; and, always that feeling of…would it be delayed…yet again?

Then suddenly…here they were. The Tournament Grounds open--her Tournament Grounds. Edara looked around proudly. Most of the vendors were in place, with a few still straggling in and setting up. Every kind of thing was available…silks and arms and pies and jewels and leather goods…and the entertainers! Heaven!

And blessed Gods above…she was getting married.

It was really going to happen. They had talked about it for so long…planned it…delayed it…Edara had almost come to believe that they would never wed, but just go on as they had been. Which, that in itself was quite lovely, but…something about…being married. Telling the whole world that this man—the most glorious man—had chosen her…she hugged herself in joy.

Alone for the first time in days—well, she looked over her shoulder at the ever present body guards, as alone as she ever was—Edara made her way towards where the entertainer’s tents were set up. A large area had been set aside for their practice, and she wanted to see the tumblers…maybe she could learn a few new tricks. She reckoned that Harmony would be along this way shortly as well. Edara had seen her cousin briefly, but had no time to stop and chat just then. Harmony had indicated her desire to see what Players might be here and suggested that they meet in that area. Interesting that she had been wrapped around Arlian at the time. Edara had not seen that coming. Maybe Jenred had; he was much better at people than she was.

Oh…and there were the tumblers. Edara leaned against a fence rail and watched them running through their routines. Oooh…wasn’t that something…

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

The tournament seemed to be going well so far, and Jenred was stealing time now to relax with Edara, knowing things would get more and more hectic...Right now they were having a light meal, more of a snack, really, and just talking about the various sights. Traders from all over the island had arrived to hawk their goods to the assembled nobles, and more than a few things had caught their eyes...But more, it was nice to just be with her.

"So, ashke...Did you have any plans for the rest of the evening? Because if not..."

Jenred grinned, showing that he certainly had a few ideas on how they could spend the evening if she didn't.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara grinned back at him.

“You know…Idelle suggested that we might want to…sleep apart in these last days before the wedding. Uh…so that we could have…something to look forward to…having anticipated…just a tad.”

Edara laughed at the look on his face.

“I believe that’s the same face that I made. But…since we have a moment…I have another present for you.”

She went to her trunk and pulled out a wrapped parcel. She put it into his hands and held her breath whilst he unwrapped it.

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

"Oooh! Excellent!"

Jenred smiled very happily. She was just so...Cute! These presents were such a wonderful idea...He unwrapped this present as well, trying to keep an eye on Edara's face, but really wanting to see...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

“It’s a new belt-knife,” Edara began, somewhat unnecessarily, “I went to the best blade-maker in Remton and the jeweler who made our pendants and…got them to work together…so you’d have something…fancy…Kingly, instead of just a plain knife. And even thought it’s pretty, it’s a good blade…nice balance…fine steel…”

Indeed it was pretty: the handle was gold and bore the same hawk-in-flight emblem that hung about both their necks…with ruby eyes, of course. Unsheathed, the swirling grain of the blade rippled in the light of the candles…very fine steel indeed.

“I hope that you like it. I know you’re particular about blades. And now, of course, you have to pay me.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Jenred almost dropped his jaw. He had been an adventurer. He knew that the wootz needed to make a watermark blade, even one this small, was several golds in and of itself. A smith who could make it would charge more than that for such a blade. And...Well, the hilt design...Just amazing...

"Oh...'Dara...This...Oh, it's wonderful! Pay you...?"

Jenred, suffering from slight mental whiplash, couldn't quite figure out what Edara meant.

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Edara grinned in delight. He liked it! And it would look so cunning at his belt instead of his plain one…much more suitable.

“Yes, of course…you can’t gift a knife lest it cut your friendship. You have to give me a token for it…a small coin…or perhaps…a kiss?”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Ah, yes...He'd heard that adage before...

"A kiss, you say...? Well, I think I could manage that...Although, for such a fine knife, I think it would have to be a very special kiss indeed..."

Jenred slipped out of his chair and knelt in front of her, tilting her head down towards him with both hands gently cupping her face.

"Oh, my love...You know me so well...And in less than a week, I'm going to do this again, in front of half the island..."

His lips found hers, and his fingers slowly stroked her hair behind her ears, before trailing down her neck. He let every bit of love and joy he felt move through his lips and mouth, and felt her arms slip around his neck, holding him close. This...This was the woman he loved...Gods...So much...

Sir Jenred Bedwyr King of Arcaea

Jenred had been kissing her since she was seventeen…three years and more. There had been...a lot…of kissing in those years. It didn’t matter. Each and every kiss was a revelation and a little piece of heaven. Even if she had known lovely words like Harmony did…they would never--could never--be enough to describe the way that he made her feel…or how astonishingly wonderful he was.

In her whole life she would never have good enough words.

All she could do was try to show him…with every look and every touch…how much he meant…how important he was. She kissed him back the way that she knew…with all the love that was within her…matching him and between them always making something that was even greater…

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Gerda looked around the tourney grounds with little interest. Remton had been a pleasant surprise, being a considerably larger and more sophisticated city than she had anticipated. She had, in fact, extended her stay a bit, having found…suitable entertainment. If it had been up to her, she would have skipped the tourney all together. She didn’t want to push Jenred too far, however, and not showing up for the wedding…would definitely be in violation of their agreement.

She supposed that she should go and greet her daughter and do something…maternal. Gerda sighed.

Finding the King’s Tent was easy enough, as it was larger and grander than anyone elses…not too mention having considerable numbers of guards around it. Fortunately, they were prepared for her arrival and sent word in to Edara, who came dashing out in her usual harum scarum fashion.

“Mother!” Edara cried and flung her arms around Gerda.

Gerda endured the embrace for a moment, but then pushed Edara back and straightened her clothing.

“Don’t muss Mother, darling.”

Edara drank in the sight of her mother. She was even more lovely than she remembered. So elegant and dainty…like a beautiful flower. Edara felt suddenly gauche and clumsy. Her hands and feet were too big…her hair was too red...she had too many freckles. As little as she was, next to her mother’s tiny perfection, she felt awkward and huge.

“It’s good to see you, Mother. I’m so sorry about Grafan…I…well…it’s just too horrible. I’m only glad that Jenred came across you before you were hurt, too.”

Gerda allowed her eyes to well up a bit, “Oh yes…it was terrible…very frightening. And, now he’s left me all alone.”

Edara made as if to hug her mother, but Gerda forestalled her, drying her tears.

“Really, darling, can’t we go inside the tent…shall we stand about for everyone to gawk at? And what is it you call what you’re wearing?”

Edara led the way into the tent, looking down at her sensible trousers, “Well…these are my training clothes…for…training. I can’t train in dresses…and these are very comfortable.”

Gerda smiled at her, “I’m sure that they are very…comfortable…and I’m sure that Jenred enjoys seeing you be…comfortable. He probably isn’t really all that concerned with how you look, anyway.”

“I rather think he likes the look of her in those trousers, if you must know.”

Gerda’s head snapped up at the new voice, “Oh…Delia, is it? I don’t recall asking you for your opinion. You may leave us.” She waved her hand imperiously at the servant.

Idelle gave her a look that would have melted steel, but moved towards the entrance of the tent, stopping to hug Edara, who was biting her lip and looking unhappy.

“There now, lovey. You just have a…nice…visit with your Mother here. I’m going back up to your Castle to make certain things are running how I like. I’ll see you soon.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

“Really, Edara, you let that woman get above herself,” Gerda frowned slightly after Idelle left, “If you can’t control your servants, how can you possibly control a Duchy…or a King?”

As usual, she wasn’t certain how to respond to her mother. Edara had always disappointed her…no matter how she tried.

“Idelle’s…well…she’s Idelle. I can’t…she doesn’t…it isn’t the same with others. I can control…well…everything is running well…I do have help, though…maybe…I don’t know…and Jenred…I don’t…we…Do you…would you like to see the dress? My wedding dress…it’s very nice…I’m sure that Jenred will like how I look in it…I mean…it’s very pretty…and feminine. Harmony helped me to pick it.”

She took her mother to a corner where fabric was draped and pulled it back to reveal her gown on a stand.

“Don’t babble, Edara. It’s too trying. Oh…well…that is lovely. Very tasteful. Yes, I really think that this green might make your hair seem a little less loud. And the draping…will probably be flattering to your figure…although that bustline…well…you are a bit…full…I hope that it doesn’t look too…common.” Gerda smiled sweetly at her, “I’m sure that it’s quite…satisfactory…when you’re wearing it. Your friend seems to have advised you well.”

Edara smiled uncertainly at her mother, “I…well…I hope that it’s…I thought that…Harmony said it was nice. Cousin…she’s my cousin. Uncle’s daughter…bastard…like Jenred. Oh…you don’t think Jenred will think it’s common, do you?”

Gerda narrowed her eyes, “Dougal…has a bastard daughter?” She smiled darkly, “Well…that is interesting news.”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

“Ooh...Gerda...” Harmony grabbed Arlian’s arm, “That’s the mother! Edara’s mother...the one that my father hates. Oh, I have been dying to meet her. This ought to be interesting.”

They entered the tent, hand in hand, and Edara greeted them effusively.

“Oh...Harmony...Arlian...I’m so glad that you came! We’ve been so busy with everything that we haven’t really had enough time for visiting everyone...are you hungry? Fin! Please bring some refreshments and things...oh...and this is my mother, Lady Gerda,” she indicated the woman standing beside her.

Harmony looked sidewise at Arlian and quirked her lips at him; her cousin’s speech had been...just close enough...she controlled her desire to laugh and greeted Edara’s mother.

Gerda was...pretty as a picture. Even as Harmony assessed her, she could see Gerda doing the same to her and her companion. Harmony saw the flick of her eyes as they took in Arlian—and dismissed him—heh, she would learn. She also saw the older woman taking her time as she looked at Harmony. She wouldn’t appreciate another beautiful woman within fifty miles of her, that was certain.

“So, you must be Dougal’ charming of him to have neglected to mention you for thirty years.”

Ah..the opening salvo, Harmony gave Gerda an amused smile, “Twenty-two, but it hardly seems worth counting when you’re this young. I expect as you age these things matter more. I’m afraid that Edara didn’t properly introduce Arlian,” she pulled him forward slightly, “Arlian Bedwyr, Jenred’s brother.”

Harmony kept her eyes on Gerda and saw her face light with interest at Arlian’s name, then watched her practically ooze over to give him her hand. How entertaining.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian had to smother a laugh at the interchange in front of him. First Edara, then Gerda overlooking him and trying to spike Harmony...Harmony tossing a nasty barb right back...Gerda suddenly being very interested in him...Just too perfect. And, after his memory being jogged, he did remember Gerda. Quite well. Jenred talked about her at length to him, once when he was slightly drunk.

"I'm sure that I'm as pleased to meet you as my brother was. We are fairly close, you know. Tells me quite a bit, so I've heard all about you...My condolences about your husband. A shame Jenred didn't show up sooner, isn't it?"

Arlian had only been told the official story, of course. But...Heh, he knew Jenred better than that. And if Grafan had been killed by any unnatural creature, then Arlian would be celibate for a Well, a day, maybe.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Gerda grimaced internally, but kept a smile on her face. Just her luck that the crazy bastard was close to his ugly brother. By rights they should have been at odds and this one should have been pathetically eager for female attention. Bah.

“Yes…I shall always be grateful to the King for showing up when he did and saving me…my poor Grafan…” she dabbed her eye lightly.

“I was just showing Mother my dress, Harmony…she…it’s…you don’t think that the front is too…low…do you?”

Harmony gave Gerda a cold look for a second before smiling at her cousin, “Dorable ‘Dara…have you seen what the ladies are wearing in Remton? It’s a miracle that they don’t…fall right out. Your dress…is divine…and you look like an angel in it. Really and truly. Oh…you should show it to Arlian…he’ll tell you.”

Harmony turned to him, “Arlian…you’ll love it…so beautiful…green silks…”

Lady Edara Kindon Duchess of Nocaneb

Arlian crushed one set of reactions, and let the other surge up. He grinned brightly at Edara, and strode forward.

"Oooh...Fine silks indeed...Good cut...The gauze is good, won't scratch like some...Remind me later, and I'll have to do a portrait of you in it...Absolutely wonderful...And don't let anyone tell you otherwise, can't have that...I mean honestly, only someone hopelessly out of date on their fashions would say a word against it. Has some country bumpkin been bothering you about it? Must be one of the servants, anyone else would be better educated..."

Well, alright, the first reactions weren't entirely crushed. The glint in Harmony's eyes would have made it worth it, even if Edara's face hadn't lightened at his praise...Oho, and he may have made an enemy with Gerda there...Arlian had no doubt the criticism had come from her, after all...Arlian smiled blandly at her, inviting her to comment.

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony loved him.

She absolutely without doubt loved him. If they were alone, she would have kissed him all over his face...all over everywhere...and told him so. She actually felt tears prickling at her eyes. Arlian had said just exactly the right things both to bolster Edara and put one right in the eye of that snake of a mother of hers.

She caught up his hand and squeezed it tightly, smiling into his eyes with everything that she had. On second thought...who cared if they weren’t alone, she had been waiting for him her whole life, and damned if she was going to wait one second longer.

“Arlian,” Harmony put her hand to his dear, homely face, “I just want you to know...I love you.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)


Under ordinary circumstances, Arlian would be mortified. He was normally a very private person, and the idea of having such intimate matters discussed in front of anyone much less Gerda was repellent in the extreme. However. This amazing woman had just told him she loved him. He believed that this counted in most anyone's book as circumstances that were decidedly not ordinary. Therefore, instead of responding with humiliated indignation as he might have otherwise, he gaped (in a fashion reminiscent of a fish), and managed to get the necessary words out.

"Ah-glah boo."

Ahem. Let's try that one more time, shall we?

" you...too..."

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)

Harmony let out a small, happy sigh. This then was what it was like to have someone you loved tell you that they felt the same. The surge of joy was…indescribable. For a moment she just gazed into Arlian’s eyes, smiling her happiness back at him.

An exhalation from Gerda, which, had it been less ladylike, might have been taken for a snort, brought her back to their surroundings. Contenting herself with winding her arm through his, Harmony turned back to their audience. Gerda’s face was a picture of skeptical appraisal.

“Well…I see that you are just as clever as your father…King’s brother…yes…that is quite an accomplishment.”

“Oh…it’s wonderful,” Edara gushed, beaming broadly at them, “Jenred will be so pleased. What a nice wedding present! Oh! Wedding present…thank-you note...excuse me,” Edara retreated to a table near the entrance, “Fin…Please Fin…where are the quills?”

Harmony smiled at Gerda.

“I am rather clever, actually. Clever enough to know love when I see it…and to see where it isn’t. Shame you haven’t had any experience with it.”

She glanced over to see that Edara was fully engaged in her writing, then leaned in to Gerda, still smiling, and spoke in a low even tone.

“I don’t know how that well of love sprang from your hateful sewer of a womb, but if you continue to play with ‘Dara’s head, I am going to have several large, burly men damage that pretty face of yours…irreparably. I’d sick Jenred on you, but he’d as like just have you killed…that wouldn’t be nearly so much fun.”

Harmony patted Gerda’s cheek, “It’s no wonder Father spits at the sound of your name, you are the ugliest person I’ve ever seen.”

She turned to Arlian, “Shall we away, sweet? The odour in this tent is making me ill.”

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)

Arlian laughed softly.

"Mmm, as you wish, my love...When are we giving them our present, anyway?"

Arlian smiled at Gerda as he walked by. He also gave her a nice bow...Although for those who studied such things it was far deeper than he should have...Indicating either deep respect...Or mockery.

It was a good day...

Sir Arlian Bedwyr (Knight of Orbeh)