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Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet

July 2008

July 15

[01:27] <Aram_Stien> night all
[01:27] <ELV> good night Aram!
[01:28] <ENDperorNoPants> he'll be back in 5 minutes
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client�)
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has joined #battlemaster
[01:28] <Aram_Stien> no i wont
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client�)
[01:28] <ELV> well, that was short
[01:23] <ELV> I've heard prudent is a chick
[01:23] <Aarth> lol
[01:23] <Aarth> You heard wrong
[01:23] * ELV hopes a sexy daimon chick
[01:23] <Aarth> lol
[01:23] <Aram_Stien> but it just hard to believe that you are innocent of anything
[01:23] <Uceek> she is a chick Aarth!
[01:23] <ELV> I could try to breed with it
[01:23] <Aarth> Wtf?
[01:23] <Uceek> I asked!
[01:23] <ELV> make half-daimon, half-human babies
[01:23] <Aarth> Wtf?
[01:23] <Uceek> and was mildly jealous that she was
[01:23] * ELV really likes that idea
[01:23] <Aram_Stien> that f*cked up
[01:23] <Aarth> Did Unknowable do her?
[01:24] <Aarth> :P
[01:24] * ELV wonders if there are more female daimons
[01:24] * Uceek wants to breed with Vesti
[01:24] <Aarth> To make Keeper and Obersver?
[01:24] * Aram_Stien wants to be a gm
[01:24] <Uceek> but there are a few problems
[01:24] <ELV> did yo ask her if she was sexy Kylie?
[01:24] <Uceek> they lay eggs for starters
[01:24] <Uceek> everything they touch turns to fire
[01:24] * ELV can live with my babies being in eggs
[01:24] <Aarth> ELV< she has 2 horns and wings
[01:24] <ELV> hhmm...
[01:24] <ELV> one time f*ck then
[01:24] <Uceek> and they are surround by poisonous sulfur deadly to humans
[01:24] <ELV> better be good
[01:24] <ENDperorNoPants> so... wear fire-proof condoms...
[01:24] <ENDperorNoPants> and a gas mask...
[01:24] * ELV will invent medieval gas mask
[01:24] <Uceek> hehehehe
[01:25] <Aram_Stien> lol
[01:25] <ELV> and wings and horns CAN be sexy if done correctly
[01:25] <Aarth> lol
[01:25] <Aram_Stien> oh my god
[00:10] <ELV> yuo're such a bad person Daviald
[00:10] <ELV> maybe Kylie should spank you
[00:10] * Uceek nods
[00:10] <ELV> lmfao!
[00:10] <ELV> perfect timing!

July 14

[14:56] <Ragnell> now that I am back home and without my boyfriend, I'll be online more. 
[14:56] <Ragnell> but that doesn't mean I'll play better BM
[14:56] <Ragnell> I'm feeling uninspired lately. 
[14:57] <Ragnell> I mean, I think the whole purpose of me playing Battlemaster was that I met 
                  someone on the #battlemaster channel and marry him. 
[14:57] <Ragnell> And, that already happened. 
[14:57] <ELV> lmfao
[14:57] <Ragnell> well, I did not marry him, but I'm wearing my engagement ring. 

July 12

[14:28] <zmobiebob> does Darka hate Gauihu? since Gauihu destroyed Abington, they really oughtta be grateful to him.
[14:28] <ELV> lol
[14:28] <ELV> did he worsen relations with them?
[14:28] <zmobiebob> i think he declared war, but only because they'd, ya know, invaded.
[14:29] <LilWolf> Darka is doing ok I guess
[14:29] <ELV> psh...excuses!
[14:29] * McJambo has joined #battlemaster
[14:29] <ELV> I wouldn't declare war if someone invaded my realm!
[14:29] <ELV> Welcome McJambo!
[14:29] <McJambo> hay
[14:29] <zmobiebob> well you aren't Gauihu
[14:29] <ELV> or most sane rulers
[14:29] <ELV> I'd infiltrate their realm, stage a coup
[14:29] <zmobiebob> you probably also wouldn't execute someone by making them asphyxiate on their own intestines
[14:29] <ELV> and have a puppet realm
[14:29] <ELV> oh, I do that weekly!
[14:30] <zmobiebob> my esteem for you just went up!
[14:30] * ELV lives in the middle of one noticed them miving
[14:30] <ELV> notices them missing*

July ?

[11:19] * ELV could care less about whether avamar was gone or not
[11:19] <ELV> but bring back the war
[11:20] <Veritek> especially since Tom theretened to intantly delete any new realm that had that as part of it's name
[11:20] <ELV> and use avamar as an excuse to blame things on
[11:20] <ELV> and to hide behind
[11:20] <ELV> he did?
[11:20] <Veritek> yep
[11:20] * ELV missed theat
[11:20] <ELV> that*
[11:20] <Veritek> it was after Avamar Selective
[11:20] <ELV> so...some new guy in about 5 years will secede the duchy of avamar, create avamar
[11:20] <ELV> and zap!
[11:20] <Veritek> :p
[11:20] <Veritek> Those who fail to learn from history...
[11:20] <ELV> lmfao
[11:20] <Veritek> will get bolted.

May 2008

Some exceptionally long bit of silliness involving lots of nick changes.

April 2008

[16:46] * Lavigna tried her Goddess-like voice
[16:46] <Lavigna> who asked for me?
[16:46] * Lavigna slaps Aarth around a bit with a large trout
[16:46] <Aarth> Yes?
[16:46] <Aarth> You are goddess?
[16:47] <Lavigna> ya
[16:47] <Aarth> Huh :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> don't i look like one?
[16:47] <Aarth> I havent seen a pic :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> and you won't either
[16:47] <Lavigna> you must have blind faith in me
[16:47] <Aarth> Heh
[16:47] <Lavigna> :)
[16:47] <Aarth> :P
[16:47] <Aarth> damnit. Dinner time. Mom shouting.
[16:48] <Aarth> Brb.

February 2008

[01:15]	<Uceek>	I'm back
[01:15]	<Uceek>	you all missed me, I can tell
[01:15]	<Uceek>	its so quiet
[01:15]	<Annaej>	lol
[01:15]	<Uceek>	you're all depressed wondering when I'd be home from shopping
[01:15]	<Uceek>	;)
[01:15]	<Uceek>	either that, or you didn't even notice I left :P
[01:16]	<Annaej>	I think everyone either got drunk or went to bed, or both
[01:16]	<Uceek>	lol
[01:16]	<SniperChief>	I'm arguing with Reilwin about infinity
[01:16]	<Uceek>	really?
[01:16]	<SniperChief>	really really
[01:16]	<Uceek>	so... afterall I don't think the orders changes are too bad
[01:16]	<Uceek>	how about everyone else?
[01:17]	<Annaej>	lol good Uceek
[01:17]	<SniperChief>	(it's taking a while)
[01:17]	<Uceek>	small realms it means nothing to
[01:17]	<Uceek>	big realms, it kinda shares the workload
[01:17]	<Uceek>	though, when 2ICs can send orders it will be better
[01:17]	<Reilwin>	lol, Uceek : really really
[01:18]	<Uceek>	really to infinity? :P
[01:19]	<Reilwin>	to the infinity equal to that of the set which comprises all 
natural numbers, yup
[01:19]	* Reilwin	refuses to continue till the infinity equal to the set which 
comprises all real numbers


January 2008

[14:44] <+VinnieThePooh> sting
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> uh
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> stop stealing my nickname
[14:44] <Baraedor> VinnieThePooh ftw
[14:44] <Baraedor> !
[14:44] Fi|in is now known as VinnieTheWood
[14:45] Baraedor is now known as VinnieTheSquirr
[14:45] <VinnieTheSquirr> damn
[14:45] VinnieTheSquirr is now known as VinnieTheKoala
[14:47] L sets mode: +o VinnieTheDark
[14:47] <VinnieThePooh> oh-oh :)
[14:48] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +ib #battlemaster!*@*
[14:48] <VinnieTheDark> arrrgh
[14:48] <VinnieTheWood> Arrrrrg
[14:48] <VinnieTheKoala> Arrrrrg
[14:49] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +b Vinnie*!*@*
[14:49] <VinnieTheDark> ha
[14:50] VinnieTheWood (~chatzilla@ has left #battlemaster
[14:50] V|nnieTheDark (~chatzilla@ has joined #battlemaster
[14:50] <VinnieThePooh> Someone care to translate what Vinnie is doing? I don't speak IRC :P
[14:51] VinnieTheKoala ( has left #battlemaster
[14:51] Vinn1etheKoala ( has joined #battlemaster
[14:51] <Hoensbroeck> VinnieTheDark is trying to protect his nickname;) so that others can't
 use 'Vinnie-something'
[14:51] VinnieThePooh is now known as PrincessVinnie
[14:51] <PrincessVinnie> ?
[14:51] <Vinn1etheKoala> ?
[14:51] VinnieTheDark sets mode: -b+b Vinnie*!*@* *Vinnie*!*@*


[11:16] <Ragnell> hi Peny
[11:17] VinnieTheDark ( has joined #battlemaster
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> hm
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> was a little hard to join
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> with having my own nickname banned and all
[11:18] <Esorp> Your nicjname was banned?


[11:27] <Real-e-three> Vinnie banned his own nick :P
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Hi Ragnell :)
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Yesterday 3 of us changed our nicks to VinnieThe*
[11:27] <Real-e-three> And so...
[11:27] Real-e-three is now known as Peny
[11:28] <Peny> Was fun :D
[11:28] <Esorp> lol
[11:28] Ragnell is now known as VinnieTheJerk
[11:28] <Esorp> I saw someone called VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <Peny> That's me :)
[11:29] <Esorp> :D
[11:29] <Peny> I do that when Vinnie is online :)
[11:29] <Peny> Oh
[11:29] Peny is now known as VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <VinnieTheJerk> :-P
[11:29] <VinnieThePooh> He's online :P
[11:29] <Esorp> This is tempting.
[13:13] <Kai> moo
[13:17] Peny pets the cow
[13:20] m2rt milks the cow
[13:24] m2rt is now known as Esorp
[13:24] Esorp f*cks the cow
[13:24] Esorp is now known as m2rt
[13:24] Peny grabs a big butcher-knife
[13:24] Peny is now known as Cow_Butcher
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs again
[13:24] Silverhawk starts the fire on a BBQ
[13:25] Cow_Butcher is now known as Cow_
[13:25] Cow_ dies
[13:25] m2rt brings the ketchup :P
[13:25] Cow_ is BBQ-d
[13:25] Cow_ is now known as Peny
[13:25] Silverhawk grabs a plate and cuts of a piece for m2rt
[13:26] m2rt takes the piece and thanks Silverhawk 
[13:26] <Peny> Milk, anyone?
[13:26] m2rt enjoys the fine meat
[13:27] <Peny> Kai-aw tastes good
[13:43] <Peny> Aw, was someone here yesterday when Vinnie banned his own nick?
[13:43] <Peny> I need a log of that :P
<Andrasta>      :.:.:.:.:.:
<Andrasta>      you will never take the ramparts!
<Andrasta>      i fart in your general direction
<Veritek>       \_/------/|==|\  (catapult)
<Veritek>       O (big boulder)
<Veritek>       :.:... . . . ...:.:.: (what's left of your castle walls)
<Ragnell>       hmmm
<Andrasta>      damn you!
Andrasta retreats to the keep
Ragnell builds the stupid pillow wall again.
<Andrasta>      an ally!
<Andrasta>      now you are doomed, Veritek!
<Andrasta>      sally forth, brave warriors, and crush thine enemies!
<Veritek>       .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| (my pikemen of DOOOM!)
<Andrasta>      0|0|0|0|0|0| (shield wall!)
<Veritek>       ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ (my crows that will feast on your bodies!)
<Veritek>       >>>=====> (Ballista bolts to scatter your shield wall)
<Andrasta>      |) -> ^-^ (archers picking off the crows)
<Ragnell>       O-}-< (sleeping Raggy)
<Andrasta>      drats, my ally is defeated!
<Veritek>       <,,_,,)--- (Mice to scare your soldiers)
<Andrasta>      \o/ \o/ \o/ (surrendering troops)
<Andrasta>      |||||) (||||| (opened gates)
<Veritek>       o/ \o (victorious troops giving high 5s)

Archived Quotes