An Najaf

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Revision as of 06:41, 1 September 2008 by D.west.ton (talk | contribs) (quick update)
An Najaf
Realm Fontan
Duchy of Fontan
Local Lord Armstrong Ironsides
Region Type Rural
Region Location Fontan An Najaf.png
Gold 209 gold
Food 258 bushels
Weather Area East Coast


Region description:


An Najaf is a rural region located at the coast, with a favorable climate. The land is quite flat and open. Only the northern borders with Viseu and Oporto provide a different sight with it's many forests. The flat and open lands provide excellent space for wide farm lands. witch is the main industry in this region.

Also there are the vineyards of the Lord are worthy of mentioning.Providing an excelent sweet wine. You can enjoy this fabulous drink at the local inn. As many travelers do on their way through.

The Lords residence at the coast is the only place that is fortified in this region. witch makes it the most populated area. when war or a plague of monsters/ undead is rampaging through the region. This is the place where the people go to defend themselves.


The History of An Najaf has been turbulent, it has switched many times from owner. Yet the people where finally granted rest and prosperity since they rejoined the Democracy of Fontan once again. This under the guidance of their Lord, Elberan Carnes.

Local folklore:

The people here are very friendly, yet have they a careful, not hostile view on strangers. But once you get to know them, their hospitality is unmatched. 4 times a year the grand Najaf feasts are celebrated every time over a period of 3 day's. This to honour the gods for the change of climates. During this festivities, there is a huge fire on the main courtyard. And the people sing drink and eat! Therefore their favorite leisure activities during the year are planning the actual feasts.

  • Culture:

"A Farce in Fontan" by Knight Ultor Amedes

“The Quest for the Star Crown” By Knight Ultor Amedes