Athins Family

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Revision as of 17:23, 3 August 2008 by Athins (talk | contribs)



Twin brother of Alise. He served in the Cagilan Empire for about a year of his life before he died from a poisonous snake bite.


Twin sister of Jase.

At a very young age she had a love affair with her cousin Rev which was discovered when she was determined to be with child. Though she tried to hide it Rev stepped forward as the father. She bore a daughter, whom they named Aries. Her father, who was head of the family at the time declared that once they turn 17, the age at which they could become knights, that they be sent off to separate continents, and that if they should ever arrive back on Atamara, or end up on the same continent as each other he would throw them out of the family, thus stripping their nobility. (OOC: I'm keeping Aries as a reserve character, haven't decided if the father decided to let her remain part of the family or if he got rid of her, so she could be an advy or noble.)

She started off in Itorunt with intent to spring board to Beluaterra. Not being able to find a ship captain that would travel there do to the monster invasion, she decided to move to the Far East in search of war. Itorunt ended up in a war just before she left, but the wheels were already in motion. Se arrived in Ethiala and fought a few battles with them. Not finding the Far East to her liking she decided to move on in search of bigger and better things. She arrived back on the East Continent and saw Fontan involved in a 4 on 1 war and knew she had found her home.

After fighting for Fontan for a short while she became an active member of the Assembly, and a little while later the baroness of Tabost. During the war she witnessed the destruction of Light of Fountain and the rise of Fontan as the East Continent's most powerful realm. She was appointed SiC of the Order of Thunder, and later it's marshal when Lord Helos stepped down.

Only a week or so after her appointment, the duchy of Fontan City seceeded from Fontan, forming the Confederacy of Fontan which declared war on Fontan. Perdan and Caligus quickly joined them, and Fontan found itself fighting five enemies. Only a few short days after that, The Krimml Incident occured leaving The Revenger as Chancellor of Fontan. When he was imprisoned a week latter, Alise was elected as his replacement. When the next election came, Alise ran for re-election but was closely beaten by The Revenger. A couple days later he was imprisoned again and Alise was once again elected to Chancellor. With the comming of the next election and the announcement that Mikhail would be running, Alise chose not to run again for the position.


Cousin of Jase and Alise.

At a very young age he had a love affair with his cousin Alise which was discovered when she was determined to be with child. Though she tried to hide it Rev stepped forward as the father. She bore a daughter, whom they named Aries. His uncle, who was head of the family at the time declared that once they turn 17, the age at which they could become knights, that they be sent off to separate continents, and that if they should ever arrive back on Atamara, or end up on the same continent as each other he would throw them out of the family, thus stripping their nobility. (OOC: I'm keeping Aries as a reserve character, haven't decided if it was decided to let her remain part of the family or if he got rid of her, so she could be an advy or noble.)

Rev began his career in Ikalak on the South-West Island. He served Ikalak well and became somewhat respected by her nobles. With the announcement by the god that the Island would soon be sinking into the ocean, and the discovery of a new land called Dwilight Rev's ambition took action. He gather a handful of Ikalak nobles and started making plans for creating a new realm of their own in this new land. Staying close to the end of the island, when only the city of Ikalak remained above the water, he arrived in the new land a month or so after the first nobles. When boarding the ship to the new land, he slipped and fell into the water, he was rescued and brought aboard the ship, but remained unconscious for a few days. While unconscious he had a vision, he saw a knight, bathed in light. The knight told him that the new land would be infected by the foul beast of darkness, and charged Rev with the mission of riding the land of them. When Rev arrived in Madina, he was told by the Grand Doge of Madina, a man by the name of Abbot, that the west was filled with foul beasts and the living dead. Rev then understood the meaning of the knight's words. Rev tried to plan out an expedition to found a new realm in the west to battle these creatures, at the time there was no known hman life in this area. His plans fell through and Rev was about to give up. But a man arrived by the name of Metis as well as the lady Victoria, who had been one of the Iklakians Rev had been planning with. Metis was the relative of a man name Scipio, who Rev had served in with in Ikalak. Scipio had told Rev of Metis' ambition's of founding a religion based off the teaching of the Madgod. Rev decided that his expedition west could be combined with Metis' religious ambitions, and set out to again try and form a western colony.

Rev and his band of colonists mad it to the city of Chateau Saffalore. They managed to take it over and found the realm of Avenel, of which Rev became King. The realm was short lived however, and only a day after the realm was formed monsters and undead gained control the Chateau, and after a little more than a week the peasants gave up on their new lords and threw them out. Rev and his group wandered for a bit trying to find a way to re-establish their colony, members began to drop out to pursue other ventures. After an imprisonment, Rev found himself a member of the realm of Astrum, he was never entirely sure how this happened (OOC: Bug.)). He was banish after only a couple of weeks for not following orders. Not but a day after his banishment he was approached by a messenger of the Judge of Morek asking him to join them. Having only two of the colonists left and knowing that there was next to no chance to succeed at re-establishing Avenel, Rev accepted and became a knight of Morek.


Rev's younger brother. Jase and Alise's cousin.

Mathis started off in Caligus on the East Continent. After a few mishaps where he forgot to pay his men, and mis-read a few orders Mathis decided the life of a Troop Leader was not for him. Already a member of Sanctus Acies he became a priest. He soon gained the position of the treasurer of Sanctus Acies.


Bryce is a half-brother of Jase and Alise, though nobody but their mother knows that. She had an affair with another nobleman, and became pregnant. She convinced her husband that Bryce had been conceived one knight while he was drunk. Since he was commonly drunk, and commonly didn't remember alot of what happened when he was he never though much of it. Most of the family though always considered Bryce an outsider, he had a completely different personality than the rest of them.

Bryce boarded a ship to Beluaterra, seeing an opportunity in all the land the Daemians had opened up. He was ship wrecked on the Far East, where he joined the realm of Arcachon. He did not find the realm to his liking. A couple weeks later while aimlessly traveling around, he was imprisoned by Arcachon's enemy Sartania he chose to convert to the realm. After serving Sartania in here war against Arcachon and Arcaea for some time he decided to return back to Atamara. Once he arrived he joined the realm of Caergoth. Though he stayed for only two weeks, he managed to participate in a pivatal part in their history, the taking of the enemy Protectorate of Magnus' capital Riverholm and the conversion of it to their realm. Not too long after his arrival a captain answered an announcement he had posted in Caergoth's cities, saying that he would be willing to bring Bryce to Beluaterra. Bryce took the captain's offer, and arrived in the realm of Sint.

Bryce did not stay in Sint for long, he quickly grew to dislike the realm, and moved to Avalon. He aided Avalon in recovering their lands after the damion invasion, and was soon rewarded with the Lordship of Norjke. Turbulent times came to Avalon, its Chancellor had angered some damions who in turn invaded Avalon, and begun to destroy its capital of Cteduul. At the same time the Republic of Fwuvoghor attacked Avalon. With much political turmoil going on, and his region being taken over by Republic of Fwuvoghor forces, many of whom were in constant contact with Bryce asking him to bring Norjke to them peacefully, he obliged and changed his allegiance.

The Republic of Fwuvoghor quickly expanded and within two weeks had more than double in size; with a few other Avolnian lords changing allegiance, the takeover of a few more of Avalon's regions, and the death of Plergoth (many of whom's nobles joined RoF) and the addition of many of her former regions. All this expansion opened up a few political positions, and Bryce was voted into the House of Ministers.


Syrus was a child of Rev and Mathis's mother who died an infant. To date, two commoners have tried to claim that they were him. Both were quickly discovered to be false, and were castrated as well as having their tongue cut off and eyes poked out.


FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 0th Day
(Alise - Fontan)
FB Ruler.png
Ruler: 10th Day
(Alise - Fontan)
FB Lord.png
(Alise - Tabost
Bryce - Norjke)
Sum: 6 points

FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 10
(Rev, Alise)
FB Prestige.png
Prestige: 20
(Rev, Alise)
Sum: 4 points

FB Outcast.png
Sum: 1 points

Sum: 0 points

FB Skill.png
Preaching Skill
(Mathis; 2008.03.23)
Sum: At least 1 point

FB Unknown.png
(2008.03.23, 2008.05.??)
Sum: At most 1 points

Total: 13 points

Ideas on Unknown 2

  • Possibly Alise taking command of her army for first time as marshal.

Ideas on Unknown 1

I think this one is Rev turning rogue, so I have put it as such, cant remember if the date corresponds. He was rogue though, so he should have gotten the outcast one.