Minas Ithil/Military Decorations

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Throughout the course of war, men and women distinguish themselves in battle, setting themselves apart and above their peers. The awards given them for feats on the field of battle serve to display their feats, and distinguish them in way nothing else can. These decorations are not to be taken lightly, blood was shed in the earning of these awards, and good Ithillians died in the acts involved.

High Order Individual Awards

The Order of the Spur

The Order of the Spur is only granted to members of the First Ithillian Dragoons who distinguish themselves in battle. There are two variants of this award, the silver spur and the gilded spur, with the gilded spur being the higher honor. It is given for prowess and valor in the face of danger, and for extreme cunning against the enemy.
Raziel III Himoura, Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, Baron of Dunstoke, Marshal of the First Ithillian Dragoons- Gold
Chon Stormreaver- Gold
Andi Colorad- Gold
Luthien Evenstar- Gold
Roxas Sypher- Silver
Taim Starfall- Gold
Hagen Ehrenstein
Gernot Ehrenstein
Fennel Thundar
Flavius Thundar
Silas Thundar

The Hero's Silvered Service Cross

Awarded to only those brave nobles, and their family members, who fall in battle serving their realm. They will never be forgotten, and forget not the sacrifice their families made as well.
King Dead Angel2 of the White Guardians
King Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians
Raziel Himoura
Raziel2 Himoura
Raziel III Himoura
Broach II
High Marshall Snider
Denthas Steelcrown
Lancelot Slasher
Decimus Gladius
Zen Aurora
Rain Aurora

The Meritorious Service Medal

Given to those who do not fight on the battlefield, but go above and beyond the call of duty. Their job may not bring as much glory as victory on the field of battle, but it is required all the same. For those who manage to distinguish themselves, or give great sacrifice for the good of the realm, there is this medal.
Long Pinetree (executed in service of Minas Ithil)
de Coucy aXomerang

The Gilded Cross

The Gilded Cross comes in three variations: 3rd Class, 2nd Class and 1st Class, 1st Class being the highest honor. The Gilded Cross is given to individuals who suffer for the cause of the realm, sacrifice a great deal for the sake of the realm, or through great heroics on the field of battle. A serious wound or being tortured in enemy prison is enough to be granted this award.
Lady Willow Rossini (Dame of Lothruin), 3rd Class

=== Ithillian Achievement of Arms Medal ===
For victories in tournaments, or in duels to the death against opponents of high skill (70% and upwards) after 07-05-08.

Field Marshal's Commendation Medal

Awarded for superb use of battlefield tactics, or innovation upon the battlefield.

The Esteemed Service Medal

Can be awarded by local lords to their Knights for loyal service during wartime.

Superior Service Award

For outstanding feats of a military nature. Recipients:
Raziel III Himoura
Chon Stormreaver
Sidd Kingsley
Francis Kinsey
Artos Whiteblade
Katherine Yorke
Voragh Orim
Taim Starfall
Sandor Poire
Raoul De La Fere
Rain Aurora
Mordoc Selemnir
Malcor Devereaux
Luthien Evenstar
Dead Angel3 of the White Guardians
Grahm Leafwalker

== Unit Citations ==

The Royal Ithillian Crest of Heroism

The Royal Ithillian Crest of Heroism is the highest unit citation that can be granted. It is granted to those units who display an extreme degree of Heroism in a time of crisis.

The Ithillian Order of Valor

The Ithillian Order of Valor is the second highest unit citation that can be granted. It is granted to units that display extreme valor in a time of need, and multiple awards are possible. The first Army to receive this esteemed award is the EF- Swords of Minas Ithil.
-The EF- Swords of Minas Ithil, lead by Artos Whiteblade (at the time of award).

The Ithillian Superb Unit Award

This award is given to units that consistently perform above standard, going beyond the normal call of duty. Units can be stripped of this award should they find lacking.
York's Elite Army, lead by Malcor Devereaux.
The First Ithillian Dragoons, lead by Raziel III Himoura, Field Marshal of Minas Ithil, Baron of Dunstoke.
The EF- Swords of Minas Ithil, lead by Francis Kinsey.

Campaign and Lesser Medals

Estonian War Medal

For service in the Estonian war.

The Tuchanon Campaign Medal

For service in a Tuchanon war, whether II, III, or IV. A bronze service star marks subsequent participation in a Tuchanon war.

Talerium Expeditionary Medal

For service in aiding Talerium during its secession wars. A bronze service star marks subsequent participation in a Talerium secession war.

The Ash Sea Islands Campaign Medal

For participation in aiding the Ash Sea Islands. A bronze service star marks subsequent participation in a military action alongside the Ash Sea Islands. A ruby service star marks participation in a military action against the Ash Sea Islands.

The First War Medal

For participation in Minas Ithil's first war against Norland, Tuchanon II and Southasland.

The Viking Wars Medal

For participation in the war against Eston, Norland and the Barony of Makar.

The Wound Badge

For receiving a wound in combat. A bronze oak leaf cluster denotes subsequent awards, a silver oak leaf cluster is used in place of five bronze oak leaf clusters. Silver clusters will always be placed to the right of the bronze clusters.