Dwilight Daily/2008/June

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Revision as of 10:41, 4 June 2008 by Indirik (talk | contribs) (removed placeholder line break)
Verus Luria June 4, 2008
There were likely many who wondered just how long Lurian power would last, and they have just found out. Duke Kaennji Shenron, a former King of Pian en Luries himself, has just recently declared his duchy's secession from the realm of Pian en Luries in the following message:

My Friends in Pian en Luries,

Today is grave day. Today duchess Marie was removed from her own position as Duchess of Askileon and embarassed in front of everyone. This realm has become insecure, unsafe and corrupt. Queen Alanna and Arbitrator Finegus have too little understanding of the feudal system we live by and have ultimately disrespected. They have becom corrupt with power. Pian en Luries has failed. Thus it will have to be replaced.

Today Verus Luria shall stand.

Kaennji Shenron
Duke of Poryatown

This single move by the Royal Duke has literally split the strength of Pian en Luries in two, with nearly half of the realms nobility now under command of Verus Luria, and even the Royal Arbitrator Finegus O'Shea himself included among them.
Comment on this story. by Zanaras Tian 
Tournament in Aegir June 4, 2008
Many nobles have shown off their skills at the tournament, Lucius Curs, Duke of Nifelhold proved his swordfighting skill is 65%. Sir Cato De La Fere, Duke of Muspelheim showed his swordfighting skill to be 55%. Edith Hashimashidas (Dame of Port Nebel), had a swordfighting skill of 45%. They are presumed to be favorites, though others have yet to display their skills, rumors are abound that much money has ben staked.
Comment on this story. by Anonymous