Himoura Family

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The Himoura Family

The Himoura family is one the games older families, with its share of heros, villians and the downright insane. Founders of one of the game's oldest religions, The Chaos Requim, quite a few of the members of this well known family have been worshippers of demons.

The dark paladin Erlang journeyed the world with his adopted son, Senoske, and taught him the art of war. Erlang fought bitter wars on the EC, stood against the undead hordes of Beluterra and found his way to Outer Tilog. He made himself a home there, he exacted cruelty upon the people and pleased the gods of the Requiem. Senoske fled when he saw this evil and devoted himself to fight the evils of the Requiem. However, Erlang lusted for power and attempted to rebel against the government, but was discovered via a traitor and disappeared. Every now and then reports come from allover the world of a man wielding a cruel whip and a dagger wreaking havoc among the locals.
Weapons: Arkenine, Scourge
Titles: Deacon of Despair, Leader of the Chaos Requiem.

Brother to Erlang, Nobdy was one of the East Continent's most unsung legends. Nobdy infiltrated Sirion Castle, blew up walls, hampered the local production and wounded the banker, Circle. His deeds were known to few, but those who did know were in awe. Nobdy has killed a great deal of men, his kill count reaches into the thousands. However his wounds grew painful, he left to Atamara and contented himself with a peaceful life. He retired briefly, but eventually came back to start anew. He started in Perdan, grew disgusted with military command and headed to the Grand Lodge of Lunaria at the advice of his dear nephew, whom he considered a brother, Senoske. He then fell into darkness. His son Kamal presented him Arkenine, and Nobdy took it and wounded Kamal. He soon became corrupted and started the Chaos Requiem up anew. He later was killed by Valius Hendrix in a duel to the death, or so it appeared.
Weapon: Arkenine
Titles held: Count of Todpitz, Leader of the Chaos Requiem.

Raziel III

The Chaos Requiem
Senoske and the fight against the Requiem

Proposed Civil Ranking System

Conan's Relation to the Chaos Requiem

Raziel's Report