Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/Aerywyn's Hystory

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It had been several long years caught between the frozen stones of an ancient fortress in the blizzardous wastes of the far north of Beluaterra, and the ravenous hordes of monsters, undead and daimons who ravaged the landscape. An exile for far too long, Aerywyn had seen the furthest reaches of mankind suffering on the brink of destruction, and had he stayed there he knew that a life of glory would have awaited him.

But as the buffeting oceans winds retired from the ships deck, Aerywyn knew he could never have endured so long away from all he knew...

Past the mass of sailors and down to the pontoon he walked, stripped of the need for luggage long ago with only his attire, his gold and a heavy bastard sword in his posession. Around his neck swayed a tarnished silver sanctum, a relic from the old days when the law was enforced by the Arch Priest of Arcaea, though the words were no longer legible. Striding into the city of Remton, his appearance seperated himself from many of his countrymen around him. Lines were etching themselves into the handsome, young face, though those striking blue eyes were undimmed despite what they had seen.

Soon he would search out his sister, he thought, but first he needed to find his feet and discover what had changed. Purpose lining his every step, he made his way on foot to the Royal Palace.

Aerywyn Haerthorne (Noble)

"I am sorry sir... no one from the council is here", the chamberlain said, attempting to break past the lump in his throat. "They are all busy doing what needs to be done".

Though he had long since started greying at the temples, the elderly gentleman had never lost his courage that had made his name known as a young captain in the glory days of Arcaea. Yet now here he was, shying slightly under the transfixing gaze of this young noble. When it appeared the answer had satisfied the lean fellow, the chamberlain excused himself on pretenses of some business requiring his attention and left him there.

Aerywyn let the words sink in, realising how impatient he felt. Of course they would be busy... never have I heard of the nobility to be sitting around when there is still a fight to be won. He wandered, and finally with a weary sigh he fell into a chair in what appeared to be the library. A hint of a smirk at the edge of his lips, he glanced around the shelves in front of him, noticing especially the lack of dust and cobwebs about them. In general he noted, the palace was a lot more colourful than it had been back when the armies of the entire north were banging at the doors...

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and with renewed energy he bounded to his feet and seized the book that had caught his attention. He laughed softly to himself at the title of the book, though it was the author's name that had attracted him at first. A Hystory of Arcaea, As written and compiled by Lord Aerywyn Haerthorne. It was the same manuscript he had written those years before at the height of their strife, and yet the bindings were so much different to the original mess of ribbons and parchment he had ended up with. Forgetting to even take off his gloves, he flicked through the pages, studying the text as he ran through it all. By half way however, there was no more writing. Just blank page after blank page.

Setting down the unfinished book on one of the library's tables, Aerywyn continued to peruse the vast collection...

Aerywyn Haerthorne (Noble)