Ralag's Crown of Pain

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After losing the Oil of Beauty in Avrende last week to an undead champion leading a large army, and spending several days searching for it in vain, I decided to return to my homeland in Falasan. Arriving in Nazgorn, my investigation found it overrun with undead. (But then, most regions are.) First day ran into a small army, but without a champion, they were easily dusted. Again on the second day, I found another small army, this one with a champion. Judging from how tired I was after the battle (17 hrs fatigue) he must have put up a bit of a fight. Not anxious to give up his crown I suppose.

The crown itself is handsome enough, made of silver with intricate gold filigree roses and thorns decoration. But the inner band, that goes about the head, has four sharp pyramid shaped studs that make it most uncomfortable to wear. Do not know if it has any magical powers, and may never find out as it is so unpleasant to don. But it will make a lovely gift for some King I find unlikeable. Perhaps I will send it to Tara, as their ruler certainly fills that bill.

John SIlver of the Pirates Clan on the 19th day of December of the Seventh year.

Update: Lost this item in a battle with an undead champ in Barad Falas in Falasan in which I was seriously wounded. (Due, no doubt to my formerly 90% sword skill being reduced to nearly nothing by the new equipment requirements. And since adventuring skill (gathering) is also now only 5%, the chances of finding it again were nil, so I just moved on, leaving a prize for some lucky adventurer in the future.)

John Silver on the first day or April in the Eighth year.

Update: For several months now, I have been teamed up with the Freewoman Joline Rasthaven. Recently she took on an apprentice, a young outlaw named Sempar IV of the Mystics family. On the 14th day of July, Joline beat a champ and took the Belt of Piety off of his tattered remains. Since her own equipment was in good condition, she offered the item to Sempar and asked my half brother, the noble Blue Beard, to make arrangements for its sale, so that Sempar would receive the payment and be able to begin the process of acquiring weapons and gear.

But before the arrangements could be made for the disposition of the Belt of Piety, and in a remarkable stroke of luck, Sempar found the Crown of Pain while conducting an investigation of Barad Falens. While it is always difficult for an adventurer to part with his first unique item, especially one as lovely as a golden crown, it was soon agreed that he should trade the crown for the belt and Joline would present the crown to King Jimbo as a gift and token of the esteem his followers, even lowly Freemen, have for him. Good Duke Willem of Barad Galens agreed to act as their emissary to the King in making the offer. And it was further agreed, that the Belt of Piety should go to Marquis Ronan, who is widely known for his uprightness and righteousness in all matters. And so the matters stand, on this Fifteenth day of July in the Eight year as witnessed and reported by John Silver of the Pirates family.