Assassins/Army of Shadows/Dark guards

From BattleMaster Wiki
Dark Guards

Dark Guards are some of the best archer unit on the entire Colonies. Equipped with longbows, bodkin arrowheads and chain mail.

There are no answer in the light, nor places of peace and hiding. For a dweller of the darkness there is always a hiding place, a safe spot to reside, in the shadows.

Longbows: hewed out of ash, hazle nut and some times elm or even juniper, rarely out of yew (yew is ideal but rare wood)
Mostly bodkin (against heavily armored opponents) or broad-head (against lightly armored opponents) arrows are used.

Kalis: is a double edged wavy sword similar to cutting kriss.
As standard Assassins troops carry a kriss, archers tend to carry a wavy short sword, called kalis instead of a kriss, as theyr main melee weapon.

Chain mail: is worn by dark guards, often under it is another light leather or quilted armor. Also they wear leg and thigh guards. Over it all they wear a cloak of dark green, dark brown or black color, to blend in to theyr surroundings. Unlike infanty or cavalry who hast meet theyr opponents lest they wish to let theyr enemys past them, archers of Assassins tend to use guerrilla warfare, and slay theyr opponents before they notice anything.

Read more about:

The Assassins
The History
The Army of Shadows
Hall of the Fallen
Dark Citadel Times

In this page pictures are made by Metsamees.