Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 2

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #2
Previous Issue Feb. 17 - Feb. 23 Next Issue
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Noble of Little Note, Notes Little of Note
Zanaras, February 23

Lorian Olorinn, a noble of Pian en Luries, has decided that Pian en Luries just isn't the realm for him. Why? In his own words, his reasoning is:

"This is an unproductive realm. Why do we have so few reasons? We are arguing with each other, instead of working together to make a name for Pian en Luries. I have no place here. I am a man of progress. Why bicker with each other, when there's work to be done? I have an old friend in Morek, he has been telling me of how it works. And by the sound of it, a lot less worthless than here. I do not wish to make enemies, so either wish me to stay, or let me go.

"Either way, I have a name to make. Soon you will all know the name Lorian Olorinn, and you will know it well. I have a plan up my sleeves."

In response to our Journalist Edith's note that Morek may have the most regions, but the lowest tax income of all the realms he goes on to say that his "dictionary says that 11 > 7. As far as Morek goes, it has made a lot more progress."

Later he goes on to say, "I love Pian en Luries. The only reason I am leaving is because I wish to seek my own fortune, creating a colony of Morek. My friend in Morek already has claim on a city of which will become the capital of a new realm. The appeal of this is much greater than sitting here in the midst of pointless arguing and bickering. I see no reason. I also wish to be with friends. The people I meet here are obsessed with gold, ignoring those who see things differently. You all are faceless, cold, figures to me, except for a select few who have shown a capacity to be human. Sir Ludovico, Sir Zanaras, and Dame Edith shine in my eyes. I hope that we can have people like you be a part of our new realm."

Though he has complemented our current staff in his message, whether or not his logic is flawed we at the Poryatown Press, we will leave up to you the reader.

Gold Hoarding Peasants?
Edith, February 23

I am here today to report on what seems to be an incredibly amount of very rich peasants. Not being there myself, I can only offer speculations as to why these peasants have hoarded so much gold.

It seems that all the regions without flags flying over them, have founded an autonomous collective for the betterment of each region, and every week they send the money to a council of 5-6 elected members of the region which is then used to better their lives. However, since these peasants have lived for presumably decades without a government to field an army and build palaces and tournament grounds.

Since they have lived for this long without a government, all taxes seem to be hoarded away in caves, rivers and even hidden in fireplaces, each council member taking a portion of the tax money and hiding it away for themselves.

If this happens throughout the continent, we may have found a treasure trove of Inexaustible gold with which to field our armies and safely take over the entire continent, without needing to spend our own tax gold to do so. One can only hope.

Next week, I will travel to one of these regions and speak with the peasants themselves.

Peace with Springdale?
Zanaras, February 17

As the first official political move of the island, Ruler Kaennji Shenron signed Peace with Springdale. Of course this likely happened before this article, but alas we only took notice of it recently. As King Shenron explained it was "simply to raise relations as to allow trade in future. Since they are also a monarchy they would not stain out culture with any other rubbish in conduct of trade. If course the treaty was signed the day before the rebellion broke out, but I have a feeling this new government will be a good replacement for King Attius."

Askileon Flying Lurian Flag!
Zanaras, February 20

Though seemingly stalled, the Lurian expansion continues, this time bringing their banner to the city of Askileon. This makes Pian en Luries the second realm to take a second city, with Morek and Springdale in a close race to become the third. Assuming all goes well Pian en Luries may become the first to take a third city, Giask.

Pian en Luries Takeovers
Seeing as we are actually have someone from the paper in the realm it is by far easier to report these. If at all possible we'll report who initiated the Takeover, how long, and whatever interesting info we can grab.

Currently Control: 7 Regions
Jan. 31 - Dantooine - By L'Albedo
Reynard later appointed Count
Feb. 02 - Santoo - By Caligula
Reginald later appointed Count
Feb. 03 - Askileon Purlieus - By L'Albedo
Ludovico later appointed Marquis
Feb. 19 - Askileon - By Diodorus

Madina Takeovers Morek Takeovers Springdale Takeovers
Currently Control: 7 Regions

Feb. 06 - Fissoa
Feb. 09 - Fissoa Fields
Feb. 12 - Libba
Feb. 17 - Panabuk
Feb. 20 - Lugagun

Currently Controls: 11 Regions

Feb. 03 - Zhongyuan
Feb. 06 - Bohai
Feb. 07 - Caiyun
Feb. 09 - Huanghai
Feb. 09 - Taishan
Feb. 12 - Nimh
Feb. 14 - Shomrak
Feb. 15 - Cailyn

Currently Controls: 9 Regions

Jan. 31 - White Plains
Feb. 02 - Nifelhold
Feb. 10 - Cortlandt
Feb. 12 - Mt. Black Nastrond
Feb. 23 - Croton
Feb. 23 - Yaren