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Revision as of 13:55, 9 March 2008 by L'inconnu (talk | contribs)

There are plans for the creation of a new realm in Dwilight. I am willing to start developing the theme of the realm as well as letting others contribute to the effort.

Realm Description

Most probably the realm will be an absolute monarchy. It is intended to be a realm of bards and merchants. Hopefully, religion and culture will be an integral part of the realm.

Realm Name

  • Cerenthia
  • Manathelia
  • Opalia
  • Paeria
  • Sementhia
  • Trovalia
  • Rupalia
  • Zamenarath
  • Minuartia Verna
  • Camelia
  • Aeria
  • Lilia

Feel free to suggest more names as well as express preference on a specific one.

Realm Banner

If you have a good banner to suggest, then feel free to show it. Here, only the link will be posted, not only the banner.


Not sure about them as of yet, but too many have come to my mind and I need some opinion. Suggest and/or express preference.

  • Ruler - King, Monarch, Emperor, Grand Emperor, Despot
  • General - Imperial Marshal, High Marshal, General, Chief Constable, Brigandier, Imperator, High Prince
  • Judge - Imperial Justice, Lord Chamberlain, Lord High Chancellor, Archbishop, Regent
  • Banker - Imperial Treasurer, Lord Chamberlain, Lord High Steward
  • Duke - Regent, Despot (Despines), Lord Protector

As you can see, there are many thoughts and many concepts behing them. For instance, I am not sure whether the position of Judge should be granted to religion or remain as an absolute instrument of the King or even become the King's successor. In the first case religion and the King would be strongly related, while in the second case the King would have absolute authority within the realm (as an absolute monarchy afterall) and in both cases the seat would be electable; in the third case, the "Judge" would be the deputy of the King during the King's absence and the seat would be an electable one.


There will be culture developing: royal universities where arts, politics and warfare will be tought; a newspaper; military orders; chivalric orders; religious orders; tournaments etc.
There will be trade at large: trade within the realm; exports and imports; open market at fluid prices as the Banker will only set highest and lowest price limits etc.
There will be political intrigue: in lower governmental bodies (the King will only be a supervisor); between Orders (proven orders will be given sponsorship); between religions (various religions will be founded); between armies (many armies, successful marshals promoted); between Knights (promotion based on liege's recommendation); between guilds (there will be guilds used as unions for only Knights, only Cavaliers, only Priests, only Bards, only Merchants etc.) etc.

All in all, there will be much RP in the new realm.

Armies' names thought:

  • Order of Mellifluous Nightingale
  • Order of Crested Woodpeckers
  • Order of (something) Edelweiss

Capital - Paisly Religious Capital - 'volcanic lands' Royal Residence - Port Raviel General/Judge/Banker's Residence - Port Nebel

OOC Rules

The realm will be very strict on RP terms and expect banishment for poor RP and yes, I am serious. This realm is intended for those who seek a pure RP-intense realm. For me, RP is not long pages of storytelling, but rather staying in the role, a medieval noble. That means:

  • Proper address:

Your Grace blah blah, Your Majesty blah blah, Sir blah of blah, Lord blah of blah, Lord blah etc. (I am creating a simple table for proper address of various positions from a survey to wiki, so that everyone can use that)

  • 'Letters' are meant to be used as letters, so one must use some kind of acceptable form:

Lord Blah of Blah,

Blah blah blah.........
...............blah blah.

some signature (not obligatory)

  • 'Roleplay' is going to be used in a local level. Not everyone can see your character's movement/action, as well as not everyone can hear your character's voice. Thus, it should be mostly used for local interaction. If you need more to know of your character's deeds, then write a letter to them.
  • Decisions will be taken during meetings. If your character is not present in a meeting, he can not participate, no matter how much you wish to express an opinion.
  • Poor roleplay will be mocked and forced out of realm. That does not apply for people who at least try to comply with the OOC requirements of the realm not for those who have poor english skills (heck, my own skills are just average).

All in all, I vision this to be the most PR intense realm in BM and everyone is welcome to join in and contribute to the effort. Not much is required from you, but merely to finally play in Dwilight as it is expected for you to play. Far East is rumoured to have failed and I have already seen more than acceptable poor roleplay in Dwilight, at least let us have a place to have fun... 'us' the roleplay obsessed. :)

Thank you!