Poryatown Press/Lurian Weekly/Issue 4

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Lurian Weekly
Price: Free! Reporting on the Big and the Small! Issue #4
Previous Issue Mar. 02 - Mar. 09 Next Issue
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First Guildhouse Open
Those of us at the Poryatown Press are proud to announce that we have opened our first guild house in Askileon. From now on all of our printing needs will be handled there. As per usual we will make sure your scribe has an up to date issue of the Lurian Weekly. Also, if you'd like to contribute to the continued well-being and printing of the Lurian Weekly, please join at our guild house in Askileon.
Pian en Luries Takeovers
Seeing as we are actually have someone from the paper in the realm it is by far easier to report these. If at all possible we'll report who initiated the Takeover, how long, and whatever interesting info we can grab.

Currently Controls: 8 Regions
Mar. 02 - Giask - By Diodorus

Lurian Weekly???
Poryatown Press, Mar. 4

As some of you may have noticed, this paper formerly known as the "Poryatown Press" has been renamed the "Lurian Weekly". This was done in order to prevent any confusion happening between the paper and the guild that prints it. Also, some work is currently being done to stream line the papers and make them more easily readable. More than likely only very little of this will be apparent to you, the reader. However, we at the Press felt that now that we have an official guild, that we might as well overhaul our flagship production. As always, we hope you continue reading this as well as take a consideration in any future productions.

Madina Takeovers Morek Takeovers Springdale Takeovers
Currently Control: 11 Regions

Mar. 04 - Panamama

Currently Controls: 11 Regions

Mar. ## - ???

Currently Controls: 12 Regions

Mar. 03 - Aegir's Deep Revolts! Mar. 04 - Aegir