Metsamees Family/Gorefinder

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"Gorefinder" Arctos Metsamees

The only son of Arnold. Arctos, ever sience his childhood has been a cheerfull and rahter active person.
Witch is also rather uncommon in the Metsamees family.
He angers easely, but also calms down rather fast.
For incidents long ago in his childhood, Arctos expecialy hates when some one atempts to step on him.
Also is more inteligent than apears, by his behaviour one might think hes a easy going, berhaps eaven foolish but short temperd average guy who enjoys festivites.
While in truth he does enjoy festivitees but always is alert for enemys and assasins, and usualy thinks several moves ahead of his enemys, be it in combat or burocrasy.
He physicaly might be stronger than a average man but sience he is also a slacker he isnt too good with the sword.
In turn he is rather sturdy and vigorous, and heals faster and better than a man should be able to.
Sience he is a member of Metsamees family and also follows its beliefs and creeds, he also is learned of nature - thus knows a wheau things abaud herbalism, smithing and other traits.
One custom in Metsamees family is that a warrior makes its own weapon, with his own hands, Arctos however inherited a ancient sword from his father.
The sword is estimated to be centurys old however it looks brand new, it doesnt dull or rust.
One thing is for sure, the sword has been passed down from generation to generation from before the documented history of Metsamees began.
(witch dosnt mean documented history begann later than ironwork, any documented history was lost upon the destruction of Metsamees tribes)
The runes in the sword's speak:
From hardship comes power
from power comes freedom
Life is not a birth given right
life is a precious gift to be protected constantly

Personality traits, bolt mental and physical.

Scared:Meny evidence of combat on his body and fase will earn him some respect amongst others.
Strong/sturdy and agile:Is nimble and physically strong and enduring, thus a good warrior.
Experienced woodsman:Can easely survive in the wilderness for extended time, knows how to hunt, fish and gather food or other nesesites. Adept at moving across wilderness and ambushing or takeing camouflage in sutch terrain.
Herbalist:Knows of herbal medicines and herbs, can make poisons or other useful potions/medicin on his own.
Masterful brawler:Can fight exilently unarmed against any kind of opponent.
Weapon apprentice (sword):Knows how to use a great variety of weapons effectively, but not too well, (is most skillful with a sword).
Warmonger:Enjoys the thrill of combat, witch seldom(but still) gets the better of him. Also trains and studies to perform better in battles. Takes pride of his achievements in the battlefield.
Honorable death:Strives for death in combat, or eaven by the hand of an assassin, thinks of it as more noble than a peaceful death.
Relentless:In a task of importance to him, he is relentless, and will not be at peace until that task is done.
Noble heroic aura:Has a heroic aura abaut him, he can inspire his troops to great feats in the battle field, and inspires people to become more patriotic.
Resents his own weakness:Hates being weak, and for that he will train and be drive to combat to time and time again improve himself and prove his worth on a field of battle.
Merry drinker:Drinks seldom, but when does then with great joy and to the fullest scale.
Social:Unlike most of his family he is socially rather active.
Short temper, short anger burst:Angers easely. His anger is like a short strong tempest, comes quick rages greatly and then shortly disappears.
Alert:Ever vigilant and prepared to engage in combat.
Slightly lazy:At times tryes to avoid things that need doing, if they arent of great importance.
Regards family traditions:Is unwilling to let go of his inherited traditions and faith, eaven if it is for only the surface.
Barbaric expression:He often is unable to express himself accordingly to his status. Uses vocabulary not proper for a noble, and often presents things in theyr raw form instead of delicately catering them. Thus earns the resentment of nobles very stuck to etiquette and or proper vocabulary, although peasants will inturn more easely understand him, and will more easily go along with his lead.