Tara Times

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Tarabanner.png The Tara Times
Price: ONE GOLD PIECE Editor: Peter Kolak Date of Issue: December 1st, 2007

Archive History

Disclosure: Whatever is stated in the Tara Times does not reflect the opinions and ideals of all Taran nobles.

Operation Cat and Mouse
December 28th, 2007

And now a word from our Dictator...

To break up some of the boredom until wars start to break out, the King of Falasan and I have developed a game we would like to call "Cat and Mouse". It is a game that will be used to help increase the skills of infiltrators and give nobles something to do.

Here are the rules to the game. Also, it is our turn to start the game so we will be sending our infiltrators in first. I will let you know when it is our turn to chase down an infiltrator. :) Remember, this is just a game!

The Fourteen Commandments of Cat and Mouse
1. No stabbing Council Members.
2. No stabbing City Commanders.
3. No stabbing traders (to distinguish from real traders and covert ones, a list of traders will be exchanged.
4. The mouse is the only one allowed to do any stabbing of nobles, knights, and counts. However, all infiltrators have free reign to stab any infiltrators.
5. No torturing, banning, deporting or killing captured infiltrators.
6. Set the captured infiltrators free with no penalties.
7. The mouse's name will be shared with the rulers only and held by them only. A safety feature in case some other infiltrator gets some crazy ideas.
8. Both realms and all of their members are aware that it is a game.
9. No stealing gold.
10. No blowing up walls.
11. No burning food.
12. Only one infiltrator from a realm is the mouse at any given time.
13. If the mouse is imprisoned, or seriously injured by the other realm's infiltrators, then the becomes the other realm's infiltrators' turn to be the mouse.
14. If either Falasan or Tara enters into a war, either one may declare the game over, to be restarted at a later date as decided by the rulers only. (two turn grace period to get the information out to all realm members.)

Lister O'claude Ve Dictator of Tara

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Feeling Uneasy...
December 27th, 2007

A sense of impending doom is quietly spreading in various realms as people witness a slew of Alliances between Falasan/ASI and the former Abington's Duchies. Concern is mounting over another massive war between the powerful Western Alliance against the ever strengthening Eastern and Northern Alliances. Time will tell if these fears are grounded or not.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Jose Dela Cruz, General of Tara
December 27th, 2007

With the sudden vacation of James due to Family Obligations, the Dictator has chosen to honor me as the new General of Tara. Whether this is permanent remains to be seen as James has been out of touch recently. Still, great relief has spread throughout Tara as security of a peaceful turnover spreads.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Homeland Army Formed!
December 1st, 2007

The Dictator, under the advise of the Military Council, has authorized the creation of a new army. Known as the Homeland Army, it shall be composed of Tara's Bureaucrats and Region Lords. Tasked with the defense of Tara, this army will bear the brunt of any Monster Invasion.

Written by Jose Dela Cruz

Jose and Oscar, Homeland Army COs!
December 1st, 2007

This writer has been chosen as the Marshall of the Homeland Army. Under the tutelage of James, General of Tara, it is my hope to honor the trust my countrymen have placed in me.

As my first act as Marshall, I have named Oscar as my Second-in-Command. Let all know that I have complete faith in his abilities and dedication.

Long Live Tara!!!

Written by Jose Dela Cruz