Revan Family/Evil

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Revision as of 09:15, 19 October 2007 by Simon (talk | contribs) (Memories)

Memories of The Past

Evil stood on top of the highest tower in Dark Citadel, a cool breeze blowing through his hair. From hundreds of feet off the ground the view was spectacular, even in the middle of the night. He looked down at the great Citadel below him, with it's impassable battlements and towers. Even in this time of war the Citadel's extensive gardens were still well-maintained, and many flowers were blooming. He had spent countless peaceful hours wandering through those gardens. The vast Bakker forests surrounded the Citadel, stretching on for miles. He could barely make out the lights of North Bakker in the distance, and to the South he saw a distant glow of torches from the Wetham camps.

And so Evil thought of his past, and how he became who he is.............

After a terrible childhood with his twisted, manipulative parents, Evil and his sister Darth had run away from the family estate in Tabost at a relatively young age. She was a year older than him, and a far stronger leader, so she became somewhat of a mentor to him. She guided him through those hard times....she taught him of respect, of honor, of forgiveness. She taught him how to use a sword in defense, something the family trainers never covered in their lessons of how to brutally hack and murder. She had shaped his personality, helped make him what he is now rather than the evil warlord or tyrant his parents wanted.

For a few years they wandered the streets of Sirion together, sometimes even straying out of it's borders to other realms of the East Continent. As children of nobles, few would stop them, and they were able to find ways to get gold. Sirion was a dangerous place, full of crime. But with Darth's skill with a sword, and Evil's talent with a knife, anyone who tried to rob them would soon find themselves with a blade pressed up to their neck, emptying their pockets of all their stolen loot and promising to go get a real job the next day. Both of them knew this was no life for nobles, and always dreamed of something better.

And so after a few years of this, Darth left for Atamara, joining Minas Ithil and choosing the life of a Hero. She begged Evil to come with her, but Evil did not feel the love for battle that she did, so he stayed behind. Evil did not know what to do with his life, his sister had always chosen their path, and he had always followed. Disowned by most of the family, he stayed in Sirion with his younger cousin Alain for a little while, but Alain was silent, troubled, and constantly fought a battle within his own head. He also managed to unintentionally make a lot of enemies.

When some armed thugs hired to kill Alain broke into his house, Evil fought them back with his dagger. He killed one and badly wounded the other two, but during the fight he was stabbed in the side, chest, and the leg. Alain rushed him to a nearby healer. Amazingly, after nearly a month of floating in and out of consciousness, Evil finally was well enough to move again, and soon he was back to normal. The healers said it was a miracle that he lived through such a wounding, and Evil saw it as a sign that it was time to move on. In his gratitude, Alain gave Evil all the gold he needed to start a new life somewhere, along with a promise of more if he ever needed it.

Evil took a ship to the Colonies, and so he found the Assassins. The Guild welcomed him with open arms, and for the first time in his life Evil had finally found a place he could call home. He was still a silent follower without his sister to guide him, never questioning decisions made by others. Evil made many friends in the guild, among them was Innocent, Executor at the time. Evil was drawn in by his confidence and his charismatic personality. When Innocent called a rebellion against the dictator Diana, Evil made the first bold decision in his life, throwing himself into the the struggle on Innocent's side. Diana was overthrown and Innocent was made dictator, a position that seemed to fit him like a glove.

After the rebellion Evil gained a newfound confidence, and a feeling of control over his life. He began to speak out, and make his opinions known. By this time his loyalty and dedication to the Assassins was so strong he would willingly die to protect the Guild. During the war with Wetham, Evil was given the position of Marshall, commanding the army in battle. He was a completely different person than he used to be, no longer a follower but a leader. But Evil made the biggest leap in his life when he was appointed as the General of Assassins. Suddenly he was partially responsible for the future of the realm he loved so much. He always wondered if their situation was his fault.......

He could see a fog creeping in from the West, and knew he would lose his view soon. Tucking his memories away in a corner of his mind, Evil began the long walk down.


This page is under construction. I have a lot to put here, so bear with me.......

Simon 21:29, 7 October 2007 (CEST)