Dwilight Daily/Writers

From BattleMaster Wiki

Welcome to the Dwilight Daily staff page. From here you can learn all about our staff of award winning journalists.

Current Journalists

  • Danost Indirik -- A bastard child of the Indirik family, Danost eventually rose into the ranks of nobility by demonstrating his honor and loyalty through many years of service. (Actually, he's really a commoner on BT, but I needed a placeholder name...)
  • "Anonymous" -- The mysterious anonymous writer. No one knows who he (or she!) is. Their articles are found on the floor of the newspaper front office, having been slipped under the door during the night. Despite our best efforts, no one has yet been able to identify this mysterious writer. (When an article is written without specifying an author name, "anonymous" is automatically credited. When someone writes an anonymous article, please respect their desire to remain anonymous IC. The person posting it may not have been the person to write it!)
  • Sir Kepler - Sir Kepler is ghost writer used occasionally for testing or demonstrations.