Raynor Family/Eastern Macemen

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The crest of the Eastern Macemen

The Eastern Macemen are a light infantry unit in Ashborn's army. The unit is made up of rebel sympathisers from the eastern areas of the region of Ircymbar who have opted to repay Ashborn through military service.

In months past, the region of Ircymbar experienced much unrest as the forces of Sint and Heen pillaged the countryside and encouraged local uprisings. Many young men were drawn by promises of eternal glory and the corruption of gold, turning on their kinsfolk. Well over a thousand Ircymbarian peasants died during the unrest but eventually Ashborn secured the region and Baroness Stormbrew was appointed as it's lord.

Stormbrew immediately set about rounding up the remaining rebels and quelling dissident activity. The rebellion had initially started in villages in the largely autonomously administered south of the region, before spreading to regions in the east.

After almost a fortnight of rebellion from Ashborn rule, the realm sent an army to Ircymbar to establish authority in the region. After a day of minor scuffles with locals from Frunthorp, a town in the south-east of Ircymbar, Ashborn's army headed east, to a village from which there were reports of a rebel army massing.

That evening saw a full-scale battle between Ashborn and several hundred peasants who had gathered to protect their independence. Ashborn's army was easily victorious and in addition to the large number of rebel deaths, many were taken prisoner. It is from these peasants that the Eastern Macemen unit draws recruits. Most of the captured rebels were given the choice to serve in the army or face 6 years or more in a dungeon.

Although practically all recruits were untrained and many were of less-than-prime physical fitness, the Eastern Macemen have fought valiantly in the 2nd great Battle of Gethsemene and two other Daemon encounters.

These days, the Eastern Macemen are drawn from lesser criminals who a magistrate has deemed suitable for the army.

The mace is the standard weapon of defence in most parts of Eastern Ircymbar. The Eastern Macemen is typically made up of mostly Mace bearing soldiers, with a few spear bearing soldiers to assist in fights. The majority of the unit are normally only lightly armoured.