Arn Family/Jorn Ironborn/Jorn's Scribe

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This scrawny, nervous, twitchy, and usually drunk scribe is forced to read all of the correspondence for his illiterate master, Jorn Ironborn Arn, and pen the responses as well. Originally serving Sir Ghostly, who sent him to serve Jorn Ironborn after Jorn's previous scribe had an "incident", this anonymous fellow soon fell into alcoholism as his new master forced barrel after barrel of ale upon him, day after day. Which he doesn't mind, actually. It's not so bad.

Jorn's Scribe now manages the day to day affairs of the region of Avengmil for his master, who was appointed Marquis of the region through the efforts of his scribe and squire.

All Jorn's scribe really wants is a quiet corner to pass out in, free of molestation. He rarely fulfills this desire, as there is always a new report to read, or a political decision to be made for Jorn (who is consistently lied to about serious matters).