The Free South Times/Issue:5

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The Free South Times
Cost: We're a low budget paper, so we must charge 1 gold per issue. Editors-in-Command: Amekal and Hireshmont Vellosspace Volume: 5
The Only Newspaper in the Southlands worth reading!
  • THE newspaper for the most recent updates on the south!
  • Disclaimer: This paper DOES NOT represent the official opinions of the Irombrozian government, merely a general accounting for the public, or just of the editors.


June 26, 1007- My! It has been a while, hasn't it? Yes, we here at the Free South Times took a break of sorts from reporting... but now we're back! In the meantime the war with Riombara ended (until Rio chooses to start it up again) and monsters, undead, and, now, "daimons" invaded! But we here in Irombrozia are far from all of that. So we decided to have a tournament! 500 gold first prize, 200 gold second prize, 15 gold entrance fee. We'll probably lose money... but oh well. It'll be a nice happy occasion to divert people from the grim business of an apocalyptic conflict with the forces of Hell! Come one, come all, and enjoy the hospitality of Irombrozia!