Samantha's School of K-nighthood/Chapter 3: Actions

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As a noble for the realm, your main obligation is to the realm; its defense, maintaining order, restoring production and morale, etc, etc, etc. However, there may be times when you have the opportunity to do things for yourself. Here is a basic list of what you can do for yourself:

Voting: This allows you to choose who you can vote for in any elections you may have. Many realms will only allow you to vote for a Ruler and a Judge. As a member of ASI, your option to vote is only brought up if a position is vacated for any reason. Once elected, the King or Archpriest are there until:

  • They Die.
  • They Step Down.
  • They Join Another Realm.
  • They Die.

The Treasurer and High Marshal are appointed by the ruler. You have the option of casting votes for several candidates: Your first choice will get the most votes, your second choice will get half that amount and your third choice will get half again. (I.E. 1st choice gets 4 votes, 2nd choice gets 2 votes, 3rd choice gets 1 vote).

Change Class: This is where you can change your job in the realm. You can switch from one class to another. You can only do this in your realm and best be careful. Once you change, you can't change back for 7 days, if at all. Certain classes have basic requirements for Honor or Prestige, and so the classes will not be available until you have met thos requirements.

Visit the Temples: This will allow you to chat with local priests and find out little tidbits of information about the local populace and the region. However, it will normally require a little bit of gold (grease the skids with whatever god they believe in) and they may even bless you and your unit, which can raise the morale of your unit.

Rebel: Are you crazy??? What's wrong with you??? Rebel?!?!?!?!?!?!'s my job to teach you, not judge you (crazy person). If you don't like the way things are being run in your realm, join the underground and try to do something about it. (crazy person times two)

Mix With Locals: If you are a relative newcomer to the game, the peasentry and townsfolk might not recognize you by appearance and so might be willing to let little bits of rumor and gossip slip out while you are around. however, if your Honor or Prestige are too high, you won't have this option. Even if your Honor and Prestige remain low, once you have been in a realm for a while, you might be too well known to perform this action.

Financial Actions:: When you get your taxes, this is where you have to go to change your bonds into shiny, pretty, oh so lovely gold coins. You can change all your bonds into gold, or just some of them. You also can have the option of sending bonds to other memebers of your realm (if you have enough honor) or to your family to put into the family wealth.

Family wealth is something that as you build it, it gives you options such as calling on their support, making investments in a region, moving your family home, etc, etc etc. Before you send gold to your family, you may want to clear it with your Judge or Treasurer. Just to be safe.

Emigrate: Moving from one realm to another not enough for you? Move to a whole new continent. But be careful, you might not make it. Ships sink after all. (OOC: There was an infrequent occurence of characters getting deleted when they moved from one world to another. Never happened to me personally, but I know I read about it.)