Curs Family

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It was a small noble family, that houses in the beautiful Tolhaur, Atamara, near the lake of Lady Lavigna. Few had suspected this family to grow as strong as it is today, yet not in its own lands. The first one to leave the house was John, he was a noble, yet weakened man. The second one was Cartor, perhaps the most noble of them all, and surely the most eloquent. The third off-spring was Martana, a wild-minded Lady who took her residence in Ikalak. And the last one, was Foreign, perhaps a tactical genius, perhaps a genuine zelot, perhaps the two always lay to close together to know wich one. (Family Fame)


The Curs family is a small but very social family, with much friends, such as the Nosferatu family, the Fortescue family, T-Style family... Few of the members of the Curs family have actually become active in militairy or diplomatic activities in kingdoms, but those who did, have achieved great glory. The other members cherish the glorious life of a famous family too much to go out adventuring on their own, as they are very well-known and well-respected in Tolhaur and surrounding regions.


A broken man yet a man with dignity, he stayed in Darka for a long time, fulfilling his duties first as soldier and soon as Lord. Although his loyalty was not to be questioned, he had to retire to his family mansion too early for his capabilities. He suffered from severe backproblems once caused by falling out of a tree, he looks now much older than he is, and does not like to be seen in the open.


The man of words, and fair deeds. Always courtly in his manner, he has achieved to fulfil a famous history in Caligus. He rapidly made his career after becoming the Marquis of Tokat, a region he loved dearly, as he always will keep loving cities. He became General for only a short while, because the retiring of his brother called him back home for a few weeks. The contributions he gave to Caligus as General, were quickly undone by the incapable William Draconius. Already made the Senator position of Caligus, he had no trouble to reëstablish his position in Caligus, as being first Marshall of Domus for a very long time, and then being granted the title of Duke of Domus, succeeding the dead hero Dzikun. During his reign above Domus, he met Erica, the niece of the deceased Dzikun, and fell wildly in love. He maintained this position for a very long time, untill he was captured by Yssaria and his title was forfeited to Tramii. Once he came free, he was appointed as Banker to fill in for the sick Vlad Nosferatu, and nobly stepped down to give him his position back. After that, he was given his title of Duke of Domus back, and gained the title of Judge of Caligus not much later. Erica and Cartor are now living in the Palace again, although not as Duke anymore.

Honour: 196 - Prestige: 20 - Swordfighting: 75% - Jousting: 35%


Cartor Curs is on the left, very broad and dignified. Although he might give the "air" of a spoiled noble, he is a man of logic and ratio. Let his courtly behavior not fool you, in battle or in a duel, this man is a grim adversairy.

On the right is Foreign Curs, as you can see a man mostly of deeds, he never leaves his house or tent without a weapon. He knows his stance among men, and want to be respected as such.


A vague figur, she was a wild girl when a child and a vigourous woman when an adult. It was impossible to keep tracks of her wherabouts during her contunues travels, but it is surely know she had fought in Beluaterra and was an infiltrator once. She was the only active familymember still living in Atamara untill August, when she moved back to Beluaterra. To become the High Marshall of Heen, a promising realm. New rumours claims she has gained rulership over the expanding realm of Heen.

Honour: 120 - Prestige: 26


A tactical genius who took his residence in Perdan. After half a year he was noticed for his bravery and ideas and was given the position of Senator soon. He contribueted a lot to the Perdan warfare, although details are restricted from public notification. He held the title of Marshall of Aix, and Praetorian Strike Force Commander, now currently he remains Senator. He lost his heart to the Queen, Lady Clarissa, and hopes his love will be answered soon. After suffering a bad case of amnesia he is not sure of what he feels anymore...

Honour: 128 - Prestige: 26


Lucius? Who are you talking about? We have not heared of any such man. Please go away now, or we'll call the guards! (Lucius Curs)

Honour: 7 - Prestige: 5 - Swordfighting: 35%