Chénier Family/JeanOlivier/History

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The Eldest son of the Chénier. Unmarried.

Starting Career

Jean-Olivier started his career in Norland, home of his family. He left Shiverwood in search of a job, and joined the army of Norland. He had not to look far to learn that there was no opportunities for the likes of him. Norland was at a state of peace, monsters were few, but outpowered him... There was no way to show valour and increase the family's fame. So he started doing paid labour, here and there, to buy some tickets to get onboard a boat and leave for lands filled with opportunities. After paying his younger brother a trip to Yssaria, at his father's request, he left for the realm of Fronen, where oppotunities are told to be endless...

Early Fronenian Career

Arriving in Fronepu, sea-sick after a few days on the sea, intrigue seemed to fill the air. He heard about some loathed nation, Luz de Bia, and rumours about the rising dead. Shortly after he was enroled in the army and ordered to help allies against Luz de Bia, so he got himself a unit and followed the orders. However, he has unwisely spent his money, and arriving in Stempleto, he found himself with little money left, and a large unit he knew he could not pay for more than a few days, so he was forced to return to Fronepu and retract some of his bonds to pay his troops. Little did he know the undead were awaiting him in Stempleto when he was heading back to the battlefield. Jean-Olivier, caught by surprise, vigourously defended the city on the first assault, but was quickly forced into guerrilla warfare as the undead outnumbered him. He bravely fought for days like this, taking casulaties every day in an attempt to tire the undead forces untill reinforcements arrived.

It was then, after losing much of his unit, and earning himself a name for valiantly defending the city against overwhelming odds and without surrendering, that he decided to join Homeland Security, as he saw that if the regular army was concentrated elsewhere, there was still an omnipresent threat in the homeland, a threat he had fought once and was ready to fight again.

Having recruited himself a larger force, he returned to the undead-run region of Marpii, where he fought alongside fellow Fronenians, but was caught by surprise by an undead group that had flanked the army and was captured, taken to a hidden hideout for a few days were he furiously waited while the battles raged without him. This has made him determined to dedicate himself to the eradication of the undead plague on Fronen.

End of his Fronenian Career

And so internal turmoil arrived to Fronen. A rebellion was called by the people he trusted, and almost immediatly after his brother joined their ranks. An assassin must have been hiding at the manor for rebel applicants, for he was assaulted as he left by Tammeran the infiltrator, relative of a person JeanOlivier greatly disliked. His brother's police unit had been waiting though, and as soon as the assassin took out his blade they charged him, but were too late to prevent the damage. Having captured him, they threw him in the dungeon before leaving to rejoin their leader. Moments later, Alexius, who had been proclaimed judge due to an election where almost 50% of Fronen did not vote (those who didn't vote for him last elections), liberated Tammeran from his cell. JeanOlivier, infuriated by this, vowed vengeance of both their families. After the rebellion his brother joined succeeded, a counter-rebellion was launched by none else than Alexius, which drove JeanOlivier mad and made him join the "loyalists" to fight the counter-rebellion, opposing him to his liege to whom he had been loyal untill now. A few days later, a few assassinations later, the counter-rebellion managed to trigger elections, and with the rebellion leaders unable to present themselves, the rebellion was crushed silently that day, forcing all rebels into exile. JeanOlivier therefore, on the 17th of january, after passing a long time alone and abusing alcool, akwardly declared a rebellion and marched to Avalon...

Character Stats (january 18th 2007)

JeanOlivier Chénier

Physical Age:	 	19 years
Character Class:	 	Hero
Honour:	 	34
Prestige:		16
Gold:		8
Bonds:		0
Status:		wounded

Unit Stats (january 17th 2007)

Vur Hagin's Elite Longbowmen

Type:	 	Archers
Range:	 	4 lines
Strength:		70 men
Training:		78 %
Weapons/Armour:		62% / 68%
Equipment Damage:		4 %
Morale:		100 %
Cohesion:		100 %
Total Combat Strength:		937


Having no realm wanting him anymore, JeanOlivier's fate didn't bode well in Avalonian prisons after doing a failed suicide attack on their biggest and strongest city, Wudenkin. Having given away all his money, he could not buy his liberty, so he remained in the dungeons for about a day before the judge of Avalon arrived, forced him onto a boat and deported him to the penal island of the colonies. JeanOlivier was not very counscious for most of the process.

Colonial Experience

When he finally arrived, he was still slightly limping, and his thirst for alcohol had not been quenched. Outer Tilog was something truly unique, he had never seen anything of the like, and was disgusted by it for the first week, trying to limit contact with the others, but he quickly gave in the the pleasures of the place and consumed more than ever. However, this could not last... Months later he decided to wake up, sober up, and regain his name and honour. That is when he left for the South-East island, joining Taselak after an odd man told him he'd be better there.

South-East Campaign

The blood spilling in Taselak satisfied him for a certain time, but in the end there was still something lacking. Taselak simply didn't feel like home, just as Norland didn't. In a night, after a long day's of hard shameful work, he simply had his belongings packed and left for a place he had already been in, but this time he came by choice. He felt he had... something... to do there, though he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Outer Tilogian Stay

After leaving the South-East island, he made his home in Outer Tilog again. Though he was surrounded by dillusional fools, it was the best he had felt most at home since... since a long time. Drinking more than his fair share of ale, enjoying the shows of torture (of his own men among others), watching his mean train until exhaustion passed his time, but the world simply moved on around him. Something still didn't feel right. Perhaps it was being stranded alone in a sea of aliens, although Tyria had made an impression on him, perhaps it was that he simply didn't have a hint of authority on others. Whatever it was, when Jean-Olivier heard word of the foul beasts on Beluaterra he packed his things and dismissed his men, making way for a long trip back. When he had left the place he wasn't even counscious, for Jelpot of Avalon had released some brutes onto him. This time, he felt more living than ever. Beluaterra had left a scar on him, now he was going to scar Beluaterra, and all those who lead to his downfall.