Atamaran Advocate/Issue 1

From BattleMaster Wiki

War In the North
7th March
For some weeks now war has engulfed the regions around the York river in the north. A war begun for many reasons, and a war currently at a stalemate. While Norland has successfully defended their regions on all fronts for the war, yet once or twice (especially early on) pushed into Ithilien lands, the war remains totally deadlocked. It seems that every day there are new armies ready to aid Minas Ithil, whether from the Cagilan Empire or the Ash Sea Islands, they constantly have allies at their side. Yet we northerners, too, have allies. The Barony of Makar has raided many Ithilien lands, and aided in several battles as well. Unfortunately, the Barony's army is insignifigant next to the Cagilan Empire or Ash Sea Islands. Many Vikings have wondered why MI must call aid when MI's income is roughly equivalent to the combined incomes of Norland and BoM. Mixed up in all of this is the ever-present issue of religion. In fact, there are a remarkable number of parallels between the Viking vs. Minas Ithil war and the RedSpan vs. ASI war. In both, regions were taken by the defending nation, then handed back, arguably begrudgedly. In both, the attacked nation is undeniably the stronger. In both, there is an accompanying religious conflict. The Way of the Hammer and Anthonlaurism seem to be at war just as much as Norland and Minas Ithil in this conflict, as is apparent by the comments of both prominent Norlanders, who view the war as a holy quest, and Ithiliens, who decry Norlanders as heretics and evildoers. Where this war will go and what effects it may have remain cloudy, and only time will remove that shroud.
by Onliana Vellos of Norland
Falasan declares War upon Darka
7th March
A day on from the battle in Belegmon, the Kingdom of Falasan has declared war upon the Kingdom of Darka. In the past ten days, Eston has taken over the Falasian regions of Belegmon and Nazia, former historical regions of Eston. In retaliation, Falasan along with her ally, the Ash Sea Islands launched an attack on the concentrated forces of Eston and Darka at Belegmon. As a result, hundreds of men-in-arms were killed along with two attacking nobles, Falasian - Dakhir and Ashlantean - Caleb [ref] along with many more nobles wounded or captured.

Falasan declared war upon Darka just this morning to "avoid misunderstandings amongst soldiers". In a realm-wide letter, King of Darka, Kostaja Kosunen assured that "after our mission our relations with Falasan will be probably be reinstated to neutral or higher."[ref]

Scores of wounded nobles have retreated into the nearest hospice, however some have found traveling very difficult as the wounded hampered the progress of their journey. Healers have been busily attempting to save the lives of the brave warriors while local priests have been conducting ceremonies for those mortally wounded.
by Nirandor Jezralhm of Darka Micro Darka.png

Morale Management
6th March
War is everywhere in Atamara right now. It's almost a bit hard to remember who is allied with who, who is fighting who, and what they're fighting about. With RedSpan now at war with the Ash Sea Islands, things have gotten that much more complicated. While most RedSpanners are happy (or outright elated) that they are finally retaking Rogeshore, a few nobles have voiced their displeasure with the offensive, calling it dishonorable and underhanded.

The most outspoken is one Min Al'akor, a relatively new RedSpanner, who unlike the general populous of RedSpan, is not a follower of Da One. This, combined with her claims that RedSpan is being underhanded in their war with ASI, has caused a couple of other nobles to voice their displeasure, and distrust, of the Lady of Al'akor. Below is the letter that started it all.

Um, maybe this is a "dumb" question, but won't we run into a few enemies of ASI? Wow, this is kinda dishonorable. Attacking them while everyone else does. They will see this as scum-like, I think we should expand, but there is no honor in this war. I will fight with Redspan, and I will try and crush any enemy Dielo commands me too, but I don't believe in this war.

Min Al'akor of RedSpan

The most public opponents of Lady Min so far have been Benny Kimura and AJ von Kronder. Even King Tony Malone gave a very methodical, step-by-step breakdown of Min's message, countering her every point. (The following italicized text is what Min wrote. The rest is Tony's response to that).

Um, maybe this is a "dumb" question, but wont we run into a few enemies of ASI?

ASI allies are busy in their own wars. We won't see them for a very long time.

Wow, this is kinda dishonorable. Attacking them while everyone else does.
During the Tara war, we we're attacked by, CE/Tara/Darka and Fal/ASI. ASI decided to come and gain the region of Sullenport, Rogeshore and Byblack while we were defending Stargard at the very walls. You can read more about this in the vault of knowledge.

They will see this as scum-like,
And holding a realm to ransom to gain 3 of our regions whilst others attack it is not?

I think we should expand, but there is no honor in this war.
Not many wars would be fought if these two statements are together in the same sentence.

Tony Malone of RedSpan

Min, again Min, always Min...

Dear, dear moral, misguided and misinformed Min,

My grandmother once suggested, as I was about to comment on the harvest, that in case a topic came up of which I knew nothing, it would be best for me to shut up then to bother everyone with my boorish opinion. A gem of wisdom. Use it wisely.

Ash Sea Islands is an enemy by nature. Has always been. Backstabbers, betrayers, looters, rapist, predators, vile, low scum. Words are too good to describe them. Da One's fart would be, for that matter.

Do you cuddle vipers, Min? Do you French kiss a rattlesnake? Would you let an anaconda play in the same tub as your own children?

I imagine you do not. Hence, Da War is back on. All is fair in war, even morally wrong things. If you prefer the moral high horse, get on it and ride into the righteous sunset. If not, gear up, roll in the mud, stop shaving for once and be One with Da Rest!!

AJ von Kronder of RedSpan

While things have remained mostly civil thus far, the only real shaky territory being AJ's veiled threats and Min's personal attack on an un-named noble's honor, things could be heading down a slippery slope. Some nobles have taken to Min's viewpoint, most notably Dabug Habap.

I must side with our beloved Min here. I serve the King regardless of whether I serve Da One. If the King were in some way to cross Da Way and anger Da One, I am certain that Da One would deal with him. By faithfully carrying out the orders of my King, no blame falls upon me if there is any to be had. Of course, Da One, in his infinite wisdom, may choose to punish me also for reasons that may not be apparent.

Dabug Habap of RedSpan

In this dire time of war, will this outspoken young lass quiet down so things can run smoothly as possible, or will RedSpan go through a movement similar to when Vatticus Vashmere was made a Marhsal of Darka? Truly, the pen is mightier than the sword.
by Benny Kimura of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

The Beginnings of the Rogeshore War
5th March
On the evening of March 4, 2007, a heavy vanguard of RedSpan forces attacked the Ashlantean region of Rogeshore and defeated the light militia units stationed in the region.

The battle pitted HRH Tony, King of RedSpan, High Marshal Dielo, Arch Priest Ralph the Third, and six other knights of RedSpan whose forces totaled 126 infantrymen, 65 mixed infantrymen, 17 archers, and 49 cavalrymen, against four Ashlantean defending units with 62 infantrymen and 20 cavalrymen. The total combat strengths of Redspan and Ash Sea Islands were 3366 vs. 1351, respectively.

As the battle began the two noble-led Ashlantean units, both infantry, and one cavalry militia unit advanced towards the approaching RedSpan army while an infantry militia unit held its position. Soon, the two forces crashed into each other in the middle of the battlefield. First two RedSpanian cavalry units led by HRH King Tony and High Marshal Dielo charged the Ashlantean infantry and cavalry while those units charged back, causing heavy casualties among both sides. Ash Sea Islands might have won the battle had there not been the RedSpan infantry to sweep in after their cavalry and force the defending Ashlantean units to retreat. When those units were neutralized, the RedSpanians advanced upon the dug-in Ashlantean militia infantry and wiped the unit out. So ended the first battle of this new war.

Two nobles were wounded in the fighting, High Marshal Dielo of RedSpan and Marco of Ash Sea Islands. The total casualties for the battle were 62 men for RedSpan and 76 men for Ash Sea Islands.

In the day since the battle RedSpan has consolidated its hold on Rogeshore with little interference from substantive Ashlantean forces. It remains to be seen how long that will last.
by Elenar Tasartir of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png

"Da Goat vs The Serpent" War of the Priests
5th March
It has begun. After the dust has settled from the RedSpan-Darkan War, RedSpan earnestly rushed into rebuilding both its homeland infrastructure and her mobile military force. However, while this was made apparent to the world... a second form of construction commenced.

Elinda Enstance has always been hard at work for Da Way, along with the other Elder Members of Da Way, the official state religion of RedSpan. Her work tends to stay hidden from the public eye, and it is a thankless task, but nevertheless, she has done a wonderful job. In addition with the induction of Mossimo Kimura into Da Way's priesthood, the "revival" gained momentum.

Following Mossimo's induction, as many as two other nobles dedicated themselves to the priesthood. With great fervor, the young priests headed out to aid their elders in spreading their word. But this has not been an easy task. Members of Magna Serpaensism, the official religion of the Ash Sea Islands, had laid down deep roots in the border regions of RedSpan. The young priests have been attacked by enraged Magna Serpaensism followers on several occasions, with Mossimo claiming the most actual injuries incurred during these events.

While the soldiers of RedSpan wage a physical war in former RedSpan region of Rogeshore, in an effort to restore Da Great Highway, RedSpaniard priests are waging a war of a spiritual variety. Will this turn into a no-holds barred holy war? Will RedSpan be content to simply restore their faith, and their highway? Or will the Ash Sea Islands retaliate? Only time (and a lot of broken bones) will tell who the true victors of this war really are.
by Benny Kimura of RedSpan Micro RedSpan.png