Talk:The Fronen Commentator/Edition:3

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Revision as of 17:16, 14 February 2007 by ScottSabin (talk | contribs)

Heh, side with Avalon and turn against RoF? Well that's a rather interesting turn of events... -Chénier 22:13, 9 February 2007 (CET)

Ah, Fronen assaulting Fwuvoghor... mind giving those of us fully expecting the republic never to be the same again a date for the attack? --Widfara Exiled
Um... I believe Fronen were the ones who terminated the alliance... RoF closed borders, but if you look at all the events of the past few weeks, it's been Fronen repeatedly lowering relations, step by step, piece by piece. Vellos 01:26, 10 February 2007 (CET)
Fronen just isn't the same without it's pure likes of us! ;) -Chénier 01:35, 10 February 2007 (CET)

See Vellos, I told you that the rebels were the only line of defense up in the north. Now that the protectors are gone, the beast has been released and is now on the hunt of the weak morsels.

And I find it a slap in the face that Fronen did that...make an alliance with Avalon, I trademarked that, but it didn't go through the buro department -_- ---Bakos 9:05 (EST) February 2007

Weak morsels? They and their lapdogs are heading into Enweil as we speak. If they're looking for a brawl, we'll give them one. -Pizarro 03:25, 13 February 2007 (CET)

Well even though Fronen may have the strength...the real question now is: Do they have the coordination to do succeed?

And with that whole preaching of how RoF is bad, not good, especially for a realm as big and supposedly honored as high as they are. If anything, they should try to negotiate with safe passage through RoF, and keep military brute force on the back burner. ---Bakos 14 February 2007 11:06 (EST)

"Do they have the coordination to do succeed". Seing the report from their coalition force's battle against Enweil, they do not. Quite amusing, really. -Chénier 18:09, 14 February 2007 (CET)

Whoo! Go Enweil! ScottSabin 18:16, 14 February 2007 (CET)