Avalon/Roleplay Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower, part III

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Previous: The Battle of Henhower, Part II (Written by Hector): (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Henhower, part II)

The Battle of Henhower, part III

Hector ran with his eight wounded men as if none of them had a scratch on them... Hector smiles sinically. Maybe these gashing wounds are superficial. Look at my unit move..

After Hector had sounded the retreat, he lead his men down to a vally floor, over a river and into the foothills of Cteduul.

"Revan, there is a pass up that way..." he says, gasping for air. No reply.

"Revan?" Hector turns to look as he runs, slowing as his men pass him like lightning.

"Revan!" He calls out. He sees him, running through the woods, with a burning branch...all alone... in a different direction... Revan disappears behind a hill. The undead are fast! They are right behind Revan.

Hector looks and sees a horde turning towards his men.

Revan can fend for himself, he's rather good, but my men need looking after.

Hector quickly picks up the pace and races to catch up. Suddenly, they are surounded. The undead seem to come from everywhere. There are hundreds of them, but only a few are in front.

"Swing that sword Soldier!!! Swing it!!" A confused and frightened soldier looks back at Hector, then plunges head-long into the 3 undead in front of him. He doesn't even get a strike in and they consume him. He desappears in a mangeld mass of rotten flesh, as the undead devour him.

Hector screams, "To the right, to the right, run!!!" He's down to 7 men now. They vear right and the men, in unison swing their swords and cut the undead down in front of them and blast through.

Running as fast as they can, they crest a hill and one man tumbles head over feat down the other side. An undead beast pounces on him, and the man's scream turns into a girgle as blood fills his throat!!!

Damn it, man, why didn't you keep your footing? Hector runs. Strangley, he's not afraid for himself, he fears for his men; and, he fears for her. If he never makes it back, then she'll be all alone... Enough, think! Where can we go. We can not escape this horde! They will not tire, but we will, and quickly!

As they run, it is all they can do to stay ahead of the mis-shapen freaks! They start to ascend another hill. The trees start to thin here. This is a rule region. By the gods, I've lead them to a village. Damn it Hector!

As they ascend, Hector hears a bell ringing wildly! The men crest the hill and see a small village. People are grabbing everything and running towards a chappel!

That's it!!! That's it!!!

"Head to the chappel men! Run, the church is sacred ground. The undead can not go there!"

I smile crosses his face. I've cheated death yet again!... Not yet fool! You've got to make it there first!!!

The undead pick up speed, sensing the urgency. Hector's men follow suite, speeding up, rejuvinated at the thought of survival.

They run. A small child is ahead of Hector. He'll never make it. Damn my selflesness! He smiles at the lack of humilty he has for himself.

Hector scoops up the child and his mother in one swoop, only slowing a bit and continues running. He can feel the heat of the undead as they close in on him!

"Run men!!! RUN!!!"

The men come crashing into the church and collapse to the ground. Hector, is right behind them. He tosses the child and his mother into the church door and turns, standing defiantly outside the church door at the horde as it comes to a stop.

He stands their, studying them. They, in return, study him. They pace around the chappel, defiantly. But soon, their undying hunger forces them to return to the woods, in search of flesh.

"Sir, that was close."

Yes indeed. Yet, another tale to tell. He thinks to himself. How many of these will I survive?

His thoughts turn to Revan. By the gods, I hope he makes it.

Next: The Battle of Norjke: (Avalon/Roleplay_Section/Hector/The Battle of Norjke)